Happy 4 Weeks, Carter! We love you dearly!
Happy 4 Weeks, Carter!
Happy 4 Weeks, Carter! We love you dearly!
Laundry and Lullabies
Those who know me know that I thrive on juggling many activities and constantly being on- the-go. We all joked that motherhood would be the only way to slow me down. I worried a bit, as I am sure my friends and family did as well, that I might go stir-crazy being at home all day. That I might find the daily cycle of feeding and changing diapers to be monotonous. That I might discover motherhood to be different from the glorified image and expectations I have had in my mind for years. That I might be…well, disappointed.
What I have, in fact, discovered over the last four weeks is that I must be exactly where God wants me to be.
I spent Saturday simply taking care of Carter and doing seven loads of laundry (yes, I really did let it pile up that high!) And I unexplainably felt a deep sense of joy in these simple duties. Scott said this past weekend that he has never seen me this happy. Is it that this sweet baby boy has completed me or brought ultimate joy? No, I don’t believe that’s it. While we prayed desperately for a child, and while I absolutely adore my son, I believe the reason I am so full of peace and contentment is that I am finally where God presently wants me to be. I am no longer skipping between God’s path and my own. I have surrendered this stage to Christ, and I am looking to Him for guidance not just on a weekly or daily basis, but moment by moment. This doesn’t mean my life is suddenly perfect. I still feel exhausted many days. I have doubts about whether I am being the best mother I can be and making the right decisions for Carter’s sake. I still struggle to find balance with regard to spending time with Scott and with God. Concerns still weigh on my mind and heart. But I am finally taking time to be still, to rest. I no longer have an agenda other than meeting Carter’s and Scott’s needs. I don’t think I ever realized before now how selfish and self-focused I can typically be. What freedom there is in putting “me” aside and actually living out God’s will at this stage of my life.
A couple of years ago, I began viewing life in terms of seasons. It is much easier (and less overwhelming) to commit to a responsibility or activity for a specific season of time. Or to embrace change as a new season. Like all changes and new experiences, this early phase of motherhood is a season. I will likely find myself returning the focus to myself in months to come. I will be worrying about my post-pregnancy body (okay, so that’s already happened), comparing my mothering “techniques” to others, pursuing my dream of writing and speaking to young women, trying to revive a social life, and so on. The awe of bringing a child into this world will cease, daily stresses of life will begin to mount, and I will probably begin to chart my own path once again.
I pray that you, as my friends and family, will hold me accountable when the “old” me begins to seep in. I pray that you will boldly remind me to be still. I pray that this blog entry will guide me back to the truth that God’s will is always far better than I could ever dream up myself. That when I am at the center of His will, even laundry and dirty diapers can make me feel like I am on top of the world.
When I sat down to update the blog, I certainly didn’t intend to pour all of this out. Thank you for allowing me to be vulnerable and to share my heart. One more thing before I close, the whole reason I began this post…. I have been trying to sing to Carter as much as possible despite the fact that I am tone deaf. (Carter doesn’t seem to care – at least not yet.) It never fails, however, that as soon as I launch into singing, I forget all of the lullabies and sweet songs that I know are packed into my memory somewhere. So I need your help. What are your favorite songs to sing to your children? Also, I never learned many hymns growing up and would love to teach some to Carter. Please share any hymns you love (I do have a hymnal.) There are so many, I don’t even know where to begin. Thanks in advance for any recommendations!
(Check back in a few hours for new pictures. I have to upload them from our desktop computer.)
Although she lives in Roswell, Georgia, Andrea made a special trip to Birmingham last week to take these sweet pictures of Carter. The session was done a day before Carter's 2-week birthday. Below is a link to the slideshow which will be up only for the next 6-8 weeks. I apologize if it seems like I am innundating you with pictures...we are proud parents, of course, but we're mainly posting these for friends and family that are not able to see him in person. Enjoy!
Sharing the Burden
Over the last three weeks, there have been some moments while holding Carter that I still have a hard time believing he is mine. On several occasions, I have been overcome with gratitude, and I hope that I will not quickly take him for granted. In all of our joy, I have not forgotten the parenthood trials that others are presently facing. One courageous couple, Boothe and Conor Farley (fellow Auburn grads), lost their baby girl a few months ago to a chromosomal disease called Trisomy-18. Copeland Fair was on this earth for a mere eight days but left an imprint on the hearts of thousands that will last for eternity. When I check on Carter late at night to make sure he’s still breathing, I frequently feel a twinge of sorrow as I try to imagine how the Farleys were able to endure Copeland’s blue spells and eventually let her go. I continue to read Boothe’s blog and pray for her family as they mourn the loss of their sweet girl and look to God for the next step.
Another couple, Danny and Emily Giffin, just took their son home after a 6 week stay in NICU. Danny was in seminary with me, and baby Britton was due just four days after Carter. After a placental abruption, emergency c-section, and two resuscitations, Britton miraculously survived and escaped severe brain damage despite his heart having stopped for more than eight minutes. For the first week of Britton’s life, his parents were not even able to hold him. I can barely stand to put Carter down. I can't imagine not being able to cuddle with him, particularly in those first few days of his life. Thankfully, Britton beat the odds, surprised the medical staff, and is a living example of a true miracle! Challenges may lie ahead for the Giffin family, but God has clearly equipped them to handle whatever arises.
Finally, a sorority sister from Auburn, Rachel Rikard, was diagnosed last month with non-Hodgkin’s B-cell lymphoma, just two days after giving birth to her daughter, Claire. She is now undergoing chemotherapy treatments. Rachel is handling the treatments well, and the tumor has shrunk tremendously. However, I can only imagine how challenging it must be to balance motherhood and the effects of chemotherapy.
In each of these situations, the individuals have weighed on my heart. I have struggled to know what to say to offer encouragement or hope. My heart has ached for them, and I have shed tears on several occasions in response to the difficulties they face. Words seem inadequate to express my sorrow for their trials, my hope for their futures, and my admiration for their transparency and their faith. But if there is anything I learned from my own difficulties of losing two babies through miscarriages, it has been a new approach to ministry and a changed response to others’ trials through simple expression of sorrow and validation of feelings.
Following the loss of our babies, well-meaning individuals offered words that seemed far from comforting. Trite consolations such as “you’ll have a baby someday” or “it’s all in God’s timing” were well-intentioned but ill-received. I felt like people were minimizing our loss rather than validating the depth of our pain. As a result, I felt alone in my circumstances. One of the most comforting comments I received was an honest and simplistic confession: “Kelley, I don’t know what to say. I am just so sorry.” I have gradually realized that our culture tends to avoid pain. We push people to move forward before they can process their emotions or circumstances. Particularly in Christian circles, people throw around Bible verses as if they are a fix-all. Just hear the Word, and it will solve all your problems. The reality is that God’s word offers truth, perspective, and hope, but it does not eliminate pain or suffering. Authentic Christianity isn’t covering up our wounds with proverbial band-aids but allowing a hurting, unbelieving world to witness the rawness of our pain and the restorative power of a compassionate, loving God.
In reading Boothe Blanton Farley’s blog, I believe she touched the most people when she was vulnerable and transparent with her anger and pain. The responses from those who validated her feelings were refreshing, and I would venture to say, most comforting. Scripture and positive thoughts are no doubt helpful and uplifting, but they should never be offered without careful thought and sensitivity to the timing and circumstances. Authenticity on both sides seems to facilitate deeper healing because the individuals refuse to glaze over the pain.
We all have trials we are currently facing or desires left unfulfilled. It’s easy to tell each other to "simply have faith." When words don’t come easily, we reach for the traditional consolations, believing that those over-used words are at least better than saying nothing at all.
Being real and authentic is not easy. But it reveals the strength that comes from helping each other share the burden. Contrary to popular Christian assertions, desire or pain is not weakness. Faith is not a substitute for desire but rather a complement. It is the two dynamics working together that allow us to persevere and grow in faith and holiness. In validating each other's pain or desires, we experience vulnerability that eventually leads to freedom. And as Paul teaches in 1 Peter 1:7, it's the endurance of longing, not the avoidance of our hearts' suffering, that has the opportunity to prove our faith genuine.
*Please consider lifting up in prayer the families mentioned. You can read their stories on the blogs and site below:
The paparazzi strikes again...

New Discoveries
Carter continues to be a very sweet and calm baby. I know that he could change any day, but we are thankful for his mild temperament, however long it lasts. I haven't had much time to write, but below are some reflections from my first two weeks of motherhood. I am sure these ten aspects will change and evolve as Carter grows and new challenges arise. To all of you who are parents, feel free to post any words of wisdom from your own experiences! :)
5 Aspects of Parenthood I Love Most:
1. Locking eyes with my son and sensing he knows who I am
2. Seeing my husband as a devoted, gentle, and nurturing father
3. Reveling in the miraculous fact that I am able to sustain another life solely through my own body's provisions
4. Finding joy and wonder in simple moments and milestones
5. Realizing that I am capable of putting another's needs (even basic ones such as eating) before my own...and that I enjoy it.
5 Biggest Challenges (So Far) of Parenthood:
1. Keeping my priorities in line - God first, my husband second, Carter third, and so on. It's very easy to let Carter take the top spot.
2. Sleeping in 2-3 hours shifts
3. Getting personal things done (i.e. reading, returning emails and calls, running errands, blogging, etc.)
4. Spending quality time with Scott
5. Resuming any sense of normalcy (or, I suppose, establishing the "new" sense of normalcy)
A few pictures from the past week:
Since my post last week, we visited the pediatrician for Carter's 1 week check up. He had regained his birth weight plus a few ounces and grew 1/2 inch. During the last few days, his newborn clothes have begun to look small on him, so he must be steadily growing!
Thanks for checking in on us!
Happy 1 Week, Carter!
Here is a video of Carter's first case of the hiccups outside the womb. He used to get them 3-4x a day when I was pregnant with him. They are so cute!
Glancing Back
I have always been fascinated with time. It amazes me how quickly time slips by and yet I am often saddened by its passing. Tomorrow, Carter will be one week old! I can’t seem to grasp that it has been a whole week since his birth day, and I sometimes wish I could go back and relive the whole experience. I suppose I feel I will lose the memories, or at the least the intensity of the emotions, as time puts distance between that precious day and the present. I have never been able to fully express my perception of time, but author Sheldon Vanauken explained it perfectly in A Severe Mercy. He wrote, "Then, if we complain of time and take such joy in the seemingly timeless moment, what does that suggest? It suggests that we have not always been or will not always be purely temporal creatures. It suggests that we were created for eternity..... Heaven is, indeed, home."
I suppose that the joy Scott and I presently feel with the addition of Carter to our lives is just a glimpse of the joy we will experience when we reach heaven. I long to hold onto these moments because I am experiencing a love I have never felt before. I am sure God has much more to reveal to us through our son, and I look forward to each new lesson. In the meantime, we are so grateful to all of you for celebrating Carter’s life with us.
A few pictures from the weekend: