Okay, I need your input and experiences. For about a week, Carter has been attempting to climb out of his crib. The mattress is as low as it will go, and the railings are actually higher than other cribs I've seen. My concern is that he is hiking a leg over the railing and then heaving himself forward...which would result in him landing on his head!! Of course, this scares me to no end. If he was climbing over it sideways, I wouldn't be as concerned because he would have more control. I thought about trying to teach him how to do it that way (since he tries right in front of me), but that would defeat the purpose of keeping him in his crib longer. :)
Carter loves his crib and will play for long periods of time either before he naps or when he wakes up in the morning. I'd love to keep him in there as long as possible, but I am worried that he might hurt himself by lunging out. I know kids safely climb out all the time, but remember that the railings seem to be higher than other cribs.
So...I know every child is different. But can ya'll share when you transitioned your toddler to a bed? Did you have trouble with them getting out and roaming? Does anyone regret doing it too early? Not sure what to do....thank you!!!

Hey Kelley - we moved to a big boy bed when James was 22 months - he was like Carter and loved his crib but it was a necessity with baby #3 coming I did not want 3 CRIBS in my house. I was worried about it but it has gone very smoothly. We put the bed in a corner so he has a wall on two side and the footboard on the other and use a bed rail on the 4th side. From the very first time I put him in it I told him he was not allowed to get out unless he called for mommy and daddy. He got out maybe 3 times and he would get a spank and I would put him back in bed and tell him the rules again and no problem. He's gone back to laying in his bed and entertaining himself and waiting for me to come and get him. My favorite part is that now we can lay in the bed together and read books and say our prayers at nap time and bed time - it's really worked out great for us. Good Luck!
I moved Karoline at 17 months because Anderson was born when she was 19 months. I put her in a twin bed. She too would play quietly in her crib and she did the same in her bed. She still stays in her bed and plays with her suffed animals (babies) until we come get her.
I did have a video monitor and that helped a lot when she was learning to stay in her bed. If I saw her get out I would open the door and firmly say no. After about three nights there were no issues.
Anderson turns two next month and he will be moving to a full bed. He too is putting his leg over the crib. Freaks me out!!
Good luck with the move.
My pediatrician says that as soon as they can throw a leg over, they must come out for safety reasons. I was HOPING to make it to April without making the transition to a big boy bed. However, David had other plans and started throwing his leg over and sliding down in July. I had so much anxiety about moving him out of it and it was very emotional about it..not sure why. Basically though, David is just like Carter and plays GREAT in his crib. I did not want to give that luxury up either. :) All in all, I moved him for fear of regretting it if he ever hurt himself. His crib turns into a day bed and we put a toddler rail on the front. It took 3 weeks of training the little guy for him to learn he CANNOT get out unless he calls me to come get him. It was a tad bit exhausting, but I would just put him in time out if he got out during his nap. After 3 weeks, he has never gotten out again and even plays in bed until 9 AM...which is huge! I just put lots of stuffed animals and books in there. I actually REALLY love it and do not regret it at all. I enjoy being able to get in bed and scratch his back or read books together. And we still use the pack n' play when we travel. Honestly--the prospect of the transition if much more daunting than the actual transition. So--I completely understand the hesitation. If you decide to move him just remain consistent in teaching him he cannot get out and you should be good to go in no time!! Good luck!!
Hey Kelly,
Miller learned how to climb out at 23 months or so...I taught him to sit and wait for mommy and that climbing out was dangerous on his own. Since then, he just chills until I come and get him. We're just now about to make the big boy bed transition at 2 1/2. I've still heard from other moms that have taught their children to even wait in the big boy bed until mommy comes in for you.
Each child is SO different though. I wanted to keep Miller caged in as long as possible!
We just transitioned Lawson to a "bed". We took one side of the crib off while my dad builds him a bed. We have a bed rail on and since it's large and the crib is small, there isn't a lot of room for Lawson to get out. But we put him in last night and told him he couldn't get out and surprisingly he stayed in. That is not what we expected from him. He also stayed in for his nap and again for bedtime tonight. I heard him this morning so I was able to get him out. I am not sure what will happen if I am sleeping when he wakes up. We shall see. But he was throwing his leg over as well, so we went ahead and changed the sleeping arrangement. You can also get a tent-like cover for the crib too.:) It's like mosquito netting. A friend of mine had one for her daughter who was always climbing out of the crib.
we arent to this point yet, but i got this email today and thought about you: http://www.babycenter.com/404_how-and-when-should-i-move-my-toddler-from-a-crib-to-a-bed_4598.bc
maybe it has some good advice!
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