Fall is my favorite time of the year... college football, pumpkin spice lattes, new planner (love my momAgenda!), cooler weather, etc. Carter is loving that pumpkins are everywhere. So naturally, I have clothed him in the finest pumpkin attire available. :)

My friend, Emily, made this adorable appliqued tshirt for him. You can order cute shirts from her site:

Carter took notice of his new fall shoes.

Luckily I had ordered this jon jon for hotter October days. Birmingham weather is so temperamental. One day it's 55 and the next it's 85.

I have no idea what he was doing here...Scott was taking the pictures. :)

i love that last picture. it looks like he's jumping to me.
i just broke down and shelled out the $50 for a mom agenda and it was well worth it. i got so excited about filling it out, looking at exciting things to come (including a pumpkin patch date with you!), and getting organized!
it was great seeing you 3 times today :)
ADORABLE shirt and love his new fall shoes! Totally relating to the temperature crisis - I never know how to dress Ben these days.
Do I need a momAgenda? Maybe when I don't have outlook in front of me eight hours a day...
Bring on the PS lattes! See you tomorrow!
Love the last picture!!!! I love it when you can capture utter joy and abandon!!! He is precious!
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