
Meet Our Little Girl!

We proudly introduce to you our daughter,
Virginia Grace Xue Brown
Born: November 25, 2008
Xue is part of her given Chinese name, and it means "snow." The Chinese character is used as a symbol of whiteness, purity, and beauty in a woman.

Many of you have traveled this journey of adoption with us thus far as we've patiently completed the homestudy and mountains of paperwork, and then switched to the Special Needs program in early September. This morning we accepted the referral of this beautiful girl!! She turns 11 months tomorrow. We are so thrilled!!! Scott pretty much fell in love with her at first sight. :) God truly redeemed this day, the due date of the twins we lost in March. How perfect for God to give us the gift of Virginia Grace on this very day!

Virginia Grace (and we're not sure which part of her name we're using yet...Scott thinks she looks like a "Grace") is currently in Southwestern China. We cannot publicly state the exact city due to restrictions, but we have been told she is in one of the very best orphanages in China. She is partly in foster care that is under the supervision of the welfare institute, so we feel that she's getting love and attention daily.

Her file says that she is active, outgoing, has a ready smile, is fond of music, likes to be teased, cries loudly when unhappy, loves to be held, and has a good appetite. It also says she is a very smart and sweet girl. We can tell just by her pictures that she has quite a personality!

We are expected to travel to pick her up 4-6 months from now. It takes time for paperwork to be reviewed, etc. We're praying that we can go as soon as possible...hoping for March! In the meantime, we can send a care package to her. In it, we can include pictures of our family so she can begin to familiarize herself with our faces. We also found a company that will deliver a birthday cake to her on her 1st birthday and take pictures!! We feel so very blessed and giddy with joy. Carter's been pointing at her pictures and saying, "Baby!!"

I am sure we'll be sharing more details with you here on the blog until we bring Virginia Grace home but wanted to at least get the good news out on this exciting day!

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The Alexanders said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so happy for yall that tears are running down my face! I can not wait to meet her.

Abby Maddox said...

Oh kelley!!! I just cried when I read about God redeeming this day! Virginia grace is so adorable I want to kiss her little face off. I'll be praying you can get her ASAP so that I can do just that :) thank you Lord for answering the prayers of your people!

Stephanie said...

What amazing and wonderful news!!!! I'm so happy for you and Scott and Carter - I can't wait to meet her!
Happy, happy day.

By God's Design said...

Have I told you how much I love walking this journey with you?!? I am so in love with Virginia Grace and Lia Katherine. I can't wait for us to go get our girls!!

Unknown said...

SO thrilled for you!!!

Beth Goff said...

Praise God!!! She's beautiful!!!

chbaker said...

Kelly- she is just perfect. Praise the Lord.

Ashley Matteo said...

YAY!!! praise the LORD!!! what a sweet little girl and thats so amazing that you found out on the day the twins were due. well i know yall are excited and we are too, and we will be counting down the months and weeks to meet her.

Andrea Young said...

PRAISE JESUS! I am jumping up and down and sooooooo excited! YAY! YAY! YAY!

Virginia Brasher said...

Crying, too! This is so wonderful! God is so awesome! Much love to you and the family! Praying for that precious little Virginia Grace.

Shannon and Clint said...

So exciting! I am just thrilled for ya'll and can't wait to meet her! She is absolutely beautiful and how fun that she and HG will be so close in age!

Amy said...

Sniff, sniff...this is wonderful news! I will have to check back more often for updates! Congrats!

Amy Lanier said...

This is SO exciting. Thank you for sharing your wonderful news. What a HUGE blessing to this little girl... that she will be given parents who love her and love the Lord. Congratulations!!

Belinda said...

Iam so happy for all of you! What a gift and on the perfect day. Praying you can meet her in person soon. Love and Blessings.

Parker Dragovich said...

What a great God we have and what wonderful news! We are all anxiously and prayerfully awaiting more details and progress! Love, the Dragoviches

Elizabeth said...

KELLEY!!!!!!! this is absolutely incredible!!! it's certain....we rest in the hands of a GREAT GOD. congratulations and i love you!!

Ashley Johnson said...

I'm already in love with that sweet little face. I'm overjoyed for you. God is faithful.

Burch said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful.

The Hamiltons said...

Oh my goodness, Kelley. I could not be more happy for you! Your daughter is a beautiful, happy little girl who is about to be even happier in another few months once she returns home with you. What heartwarming news for the entire Brown family.

P.S. She and Alexis have birthdays just a few days apart! They can be pen pals :)

Fittsy said...

This is the sweetest news. I too cried and will be praying that you bring VGXB home SOON! Much love to you and your precious family.

The Picardy's said...

Congrats!!! What great news and she is so beautiful! I am so excited for you and Scott and I can't wait to meet her!

Lindsey said...

What an answer to prayer! So excited for y'all, Kelley! Can't wait to see how the journey continues to unfold!

Adelle said...

What a beautiful baby girl! It was really an encouragement to me to read about God redeeming this day for you and Scott and a reminder that he truly is good even in the midst of sadness. I'll be praying for your growing family! :)


Melissa said...

Hooray!!!! I am so happy for all of you! She's gorgeous and perfect and couldn't be any more blessed to have you guys as her wonderful new family!

The Lord is Great!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Kelley! I hope to see Virginia Grace and Lia Kate playing together someday...
Margaret (Emily's mom)

Alicia said...

She is beautiful, with such a sweet smile! Congratulations, we can't wait to meet her!

Katie said...

Wonderful news!! Congratulations to you all! I can't wait to meet her!

Christy M. said...

Congratulations Kelley and Scott. I know that this is one lucky young lady to be with such a wonderful and loving family. I'm sure Carter can't wait to be her protector and love his little sister. I can't wait for the day I can see that precious child with her family. Love you all!

Sarah Busenitz said...

Yay!!!!!! Praising God with you!!!!!He is so good! SHe is adorable! Can't wait to meet her!!!! Love you!!!

Natalie said...

kelley im crying like a baby! i cannot express how happy i am for you! she is so perfect :) ahhhh i know yall are so excited. only a few more months to go!!!

The Fokens Family said...

God's beautiful gift to your family.
Let us hold unswerwingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is FAITHFUL! Hebrews 10:23


christindeas said...

She is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! I am so, so excited for you and rejoice in the Lord's faithfulness and beautiful timing with you and for you! Thanks for sharing the joyous news!

Courtney said...

She is absolutely beautiful! Congratulations!

Katie said...

Awesome. I am so thrilled for you. Congratulations!

Ericka B. Jackson said...

OH PRAISE THE LORD!!!! She is BEAUTIFUL! I could not be more excited for you guys...what an incredible blessing!

The Hoppers said...

She is so precious!!!!!!!!!

Dana and Chris Sheheane said...

Oh Kelley!! She is such a doll! She looks like she will be full of personality and just precious. I cried when i read this blog. So excited for you and will pray for a March date to pick her up!! Love ya, Dana

Amber said...

Congratulations Kelley, Scott, and Carter! She is beautiful!!!! And WOW- two toddlers 10 months apart! You are about to get on the freeway without an entrance ramp :) ! You will be a great mom to both your little ones! Very exciting! God bless your growing family!