It is actually against the law there for parents to give their children up for adoption. This means they can't simply bring their child to an orphanage if they can't or don't want to keep them. Instead, many birth parents leave their babies in a well-traveled area where he or she is sure to be safely found. When a baby is found, it is protocol for the police to attempt to find the birth parents and, beginning 10 years ago, it became law that the orphanage place an ad in the local newspaper, with the hopes that birth parents would claim their children. This is called a finding ad. There is a company here in the States that can locate a child's finding ad, and after a couple months of searching, they found Virginia Grace's ad for us! Here is our little girl in, probably, the earliest picture of her that we'll ever see ...

Name: (cannot disclose her Chinese name on here until after we're home)
Gender: Female
Age: one month (our report said she was 20 days; parents often end up with several birth dates projected)
Finding Place: The construction/work site near the gate of subdivision No. 2 of Dong Jun Wan residential area, which is a jurisdictional area of Shu Guang Local Police Station
Finding time: 12-15-2008
Birthmark and personal items: None (We were really hoping she'd been left with a letter from her birth parents, but this is more rare than common.)We are anxious to get the hard copy of the paper in our hands (on it's way) because you can tell in this image that the folding of the paper left a line and a mark over her mouth. I also want to see the picture closer up, as I can somewhat detect the tumor on her tongue. It looks so swollen. Poor baby. But what a beautiful baby!
So neat that they found this. How special!
That's amazing!!!! I know yall cannot wait to have her in your arms! I know I can't wait!
This is so neat.
Virginia Grace is going to have quite the testamony! Brings tears to my eyes! What a beautiful baby, I completely agree! Can't wait to meet her:)
What a priceless gift this is for you and will be for her!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
INCREDIBLE!!! Did you see the news about Haitian adoptions being expedited?! I hope it all works out for those families to get their children much earlier than expected. Isn't that just like God to turn tragedy to rejoicing? - using this great tragedy to get those precious children to their forever family faster! He is the REDEEMER!
What a treasure to have this picture!!
I am so glad I've re-found your blog! Now, I have you bookmarked and I'll be able to keep up with Virginia Grace and yalls progress in the next few exciting months!!! I can't wait for her to get here!!!!!! I had fun with you this weekend...hope you're feeling better
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