We started off on Friday night with a costume party. Grace was a bumblebee and I was a flower. Carter was a monkey. And not just any ole monkey. He was Curious George. Scott played (and looked) the part of the Man with Yellow Hat perfectly. I wish I had a full length shot of him in the costume!

Tonight, we headed over to my cousin Ashley's house and took pics of Grace and Carter with her two youngest kiddos, Cece and Graham.

Here is Carter with Mary Katherine (my cousin Leigh Ann's daughter). Carter has a huge crush on MK, and I have a feeling she a big reason that he is so excited about gaining a big sister. :)

Carter loved the fog machine. And he kept sticking his tongue out as if he could taste it. I admit...it does smell like roasted marshmallows.

Grace discovered Cece's Disney princess CD player...

and wouldn't put it down the whole night. Hmm...we do have a birthday AND Christmas coming up.

Will is still have the same effect when it's hers?

Happy Halloween from the Brown Family!
LOVE the pictures! So cute in their costumes! I think the pictures of Carter in the grass are so good. You are a great photographer:)
Fun connection: Graham is in Libby's class at school!
Darling trick-or-treaters.
See you tonight, I hope!
Hi...I'm a friend of your parents and we were together at a wedding this weekend. Your mom mentioned your blog and I was interested because I have a blog too. I thought I'd hop over and say hello. My hubs and your dad work for the same company : )
Your kids are too cute!
ohmygoodness these are WAY too cute! Love the family costumes - you guys are so much fun! And the pic of Carter climbing the tree is my fave - definitely a framer! ;)
Precious! You and Grace would have been a perfect addition to our garden! Hope you're doing well!
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