Carter had his 1st day of school in early September...he loves his two teachers!!

For the first day, he had to complete this "About Me" page, and he seemed so grown up as he figured out what he wanted to put on the page to describe himself. The things that come out of his mouth these days just astound (and humour) me. Such a fun stage!

Grace started Mom's Day Out on Fridays, and she seems to have a lot of fun. She cries a bit when I drop her off, but she stops about 30 seconds later. And she's quite the social butterfly. She calls out "HI!!!!" to anyone and everyone....everywhere! I think every employee and shopper at the grocery store got a greeting yesterday. :)

The kids have been all about family hugs lately, which we love. And Grace now likes to wrap her arms tightly around our necks and squeeze!

Here are a few pictures from Labor Day weekend... watching college football and cheering for Auburn are two of our favorite Fall activities!

Grace and Carter are playing so well together these days. And they're just funny. They came into the kitchen wearing these sunglasses (which ironically matched their outfits), and Grace managed to sneak those Tostitos out of the pantry while I was grabbing my camera.

The girl still loves to munch!

Both kids are doing a "Mom and Me" gymnastics class on Thursdays. And it's one of the highlights of their week. Carter likes to jump off of anything he can and fall onto the plush mats, and Grace is a little gymnast in the making.

They are both into books and were thrilled to have GrandMary read to them when she came to visit.

Gorgeous family and Grace DOES look like a little gymnast!!!
Kelley - they are growing up so fast. Glad they both love school and gymnastics. Is dance class next for Grace?!
Oh, and the pic of the two of them in their Auburn outfits is ADORABLE!.
The three of us
she's a doll - as is carter. i am so happy for you.
i just finished reading "choosing to SEE" by mary beth chapman and thought of you the whole time i was reading.... we need to talk... i need some guidance. we have been told (see my post about ellyotte's birth) that we can't have any more children. heartbreaking but thrilling at the same time because it leaves the road to adoption wide open. so, i need some guidance and advice. can we have a phone date soon?? call me... do you still have my number?? i have a new phone so don't have yours anymore :(
love you girl
love keeping up with your precious glad things are going well!
I love all the pictures! Grace looks like she's getting so much taller - they are both so cute!
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