Gotcha Day has been amazing! This day has been such an answer to prayers and I'm so thankful for all of your encouraging messages. Today went so much better than I imagined. When we first saw LiYun, she immediately reached out to hug me and Scott, and then went to pick Grace up. She has been so great with the kids, reaching for their hands and braiding Grace's hair. Grace and Carter seemed shy at first but they have warmed up and are loving being with LiYun now. She is very affectionate, even linked arms with me on the way to dinner. The amazing thing is that she is already calling us mommy and daddy! She told our guide David that she is very happy. We know she's nervous but she's doing so great. She called her foster parents tonight and David told us she told them, "my mommy and daddy are great." She brought some books and a photo album along with her. And we learned that she loves to cook. She does know some English, and she loved the clothes we got her. In just these few short hours, we've seen how very thoughtful and helpful she is. She seems very excited, and we're so thankful for that. We found out that her foster parents' only child gets married tomorrow morning. It is happening at the same time as when we go sign adoption papers, so we will not be able to go. However, we will get to meet the foster family.
I'm sorry this is coming out so late. I have received several emails and I'm thinking many of you have been worried. My apologies. LiYun just asked me through the electronic translator, as I was uploading pictures, if we don't like to talk. So, I can't concentrate on the blog when I need to be with her, but I will write more later! I just wanted to get this post up quickly. Thank you again for all the prayers. We received so many emails and messages of people who were praying in the middle of the night. Please know how thankful we are. Today was so much better than we could have imagined. Enjoy the pictures ...

Oh my goodness this just gave me chills!!! She is absolutely beautiful!!!!!!!!! So glad it is going well!!!! Can't wait to meet her! :)
YAY YAY YAY!! Martha and I have been stalking the blog all morning. So glad to see the update. Clearly, God has outdone himself! Love all the pictures. Can't wait for more stories!
She is BEAUTIFUL!!!! Can't help crying when reading this. :) What an answer to prayer! I woke up thinking about Gotcha Day and I am so thankful it went well! She looks so happy and already at home with her Forever Family. Now we just have to wait two whole weeks to meet her! Don't suppose ya'll can come home early? ;)
Kiss the kiddos for us and please tell LiYun that Aunt CoCo and Uncle Ivan can't WAIT to meet her. Love you!!
Kelley and Scott,
Tears are running down my face!!! LiYun is beautiful and looks so very happy...as do y'all!!! Please give her a big hug from her new cousins and tell her we can not wait to meet her!!! We will continue to pray for you all!
All our love,
Scott, Ashley, Alex, Tate, Graham and Cece
PS Is Grace wearing my all time favorite bubble? She looks absolutely adorable!
yay praise the LORD. enjoy the rest of your stay and that precious new daughter
Look at that SMILE!!! Praise the Lord!
She looks really happy Kelly! What an answer to pray. Will be praying for all of you over the next week or so as you make this transition. Praying she bonds with her new family very quickly!
Tears of PURE JOY!! She is the most beautiful thing and looks SO happy and comfortable with ya'll!! I will continue to keep you all in my prayers! :)
Kelley...I am crying tears of joy while reading this. I too have been stalking the blog all morning!! We all know your main focus is right where it should be so you take all the time you need to make sure that beautiful girl is feeling the love and care she needs. She is GORGEOUS and the smile on all of your faces is PRICELESS!!! So happy for you and will continue to pray that all goes well. Looking forward to seeing more pictures and reading more about Gotcha Day!!
I have been waiting for this all morning! I am so thrilled for yall! She is beautiful! Hope the rest of the trip goes well
She is beautiful! I have been waiting all morning for this. I am glad everything is going well and will continue to pray for the rest of the trip! So so happy for yall!
I have "happy tears" in my eyes, as our kiddos call them. WE have been praying for "Mr. Scott and Mrs. Kelley" at night with Ford and Milly and it is sooo neat for them to see these pictures and to see how awesome our God is, esp. for Ford to see another amazing adoption like his. We love y'all and are so spurred on to JEsus. Caroline is so beautiful, peaceful, and affectionate looking! You are all so blessed!
LiYun is so beautiful and these pictures make me cry! I'm so thrilled for you that today went so well. What a blessing! Can't wait to meet her!
happy, happy tears!!! God is good...that is all I can say!
Ahhh! First chance to get a computer today, and I am OVERJOYED! Thrilled for you all, and that this new chapter of your family of five(!) is finally beginning! Welcome LiYun, you are so loved.
She is incredibly beautiful! the pic of her hugging Grace :) So happy for your fam!
Woohoo!! I have been praying for you all and am so excited that things are going well. She does look excited to have a forever family. May God bless you all in the days to come.
We look forward to meeting her at the China reunion!
That first picture took my breath! May the smiles be endless! Thanks for taking the time to post. Very happy for you all!
Great pictures! It's so beautiful how she has already warmed up to you so quickly. Congrats to your family on the adoption of this very special girl!
Kelley, I am so happy for your sweet family! Caroline seems so sweet and precious and what a blessing to hear how well today went! I am celebrating with y'all!!!
Can I stop crying now :)
She is a beautiful girl. What a wonderful day. I pray the transition continues to go smoothly for your family!
God is good! So happy to read your post. She is just beautiful ... Such a beautiful family!!
So very happy for your family!!! She is such a beautiful girl and looks so happy.
Praying for LiYun as she faces many changes in her life, and your family as you transition to a family of 5.
She is just so precious! What an amazing blessing! Go, be with her and love on her! Enjoy getting to know the girl behind that sweet face. I am so happy for her and all of you! Praying things continue to go well!
I have been praying that everything would go wonderfully! She is beautiful! I love the picture of you and her holding hands! And the peace sign in the photos! Such a universal sign. :)
Beautiful! Congratulations!
I'm so excites for you and your sweet family. I couldn't help but tear up as I read this post and saw the precious smile on Li Yun's face. What a perfect fit for your family. I love you all and am continuing to pray for this transition.
Breathing a big sigh of relief and thanking the Lord for this day! I'm so happy to hear that things went to well. What a sweet girl she seems to be! And her smile - breathtaking!
Continued blessings to your family!
Tears of joy for all of you! Praying things continue to go well.
I love her. You look so beautiful and maternal, dear friend. I cannot wait to meet your daughter! Love you.
I am shedding joyful tears for you and your family. What a blessing. I am truly joyful for all of you.
I'm so glad things are going so well! I couldn't help but tear up a bit reading about it all and seeing all of your smiling faces!! We'll continue to pray for all of you!
Thrilled for you all. I'll continue to pray that the adjustment goes well.
Praising God with you!!!!!
wow! What an answer to prayer. I am so excited for your family. So neat to see this journey playing out.
Amazing!! What a beautiful family!!
At Last!!! I am so happy to see this beautiful girl with her new family. I am thrilled for ya'll. Enjoy your time together. I'll continue to pray for all of you. :)
Ashley Fairley
Oh Kelley...I am crying tears of JOY! what precious precious pictures. your family just looks perfect! :) LiYun is beautiful and really looks so happy. Huge answer to prayers! And the pictures of her with Grace make me just smile! :) so happy for you and ready for my niece big time!
Ok, I'm back again, reading it all over again.....I have been thinking about y'all all day! And clearly, Cece has been thinking about y'all too, because I was just attempting to put her hair in pigtails and as she saw herself in the mirror she said, "Look, Mommy, I look just like Caroline!"
Yay! What a beautiful family of five. God is so good! I checked the blog before work this morning just hoping to see pictures and they are just lovely!
Praying for you and your family. What a sweet addition! It is hard to make it through your posts with dry eyes. I am so happy for you all. She is beautiful. Have a safe rest of the trip!!!
Congratulations Kelly and Family!!!! She is STUNNING!!! And, so poised and beautiful.. She shines from the inside out!!!!!
Blessings to you as you all find your way together!!!!!
~Diana (Northern Girl on RQ)
*Waiting for TA!!
WE ARE SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! LiYun is BEAUTIFUL, and all these pictures are precious. She looks like such a natural fit into the family - the pics of her with Grace & Carter are so sweet! Can't wait to meet her someday! :)
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