Carter is already learning tactics to avoid posing for pictures. A few days ago, I told him to stand by the flowers. First, he turned to smell them.

Then, he backed up to the edge of the front porch and proclaimed, "railing." I suppose he felt flowers weren't the most masculine backdrop for him.

Again, I said, "Carter, please stand by the flowers and smile." And Carter devised the most successful strategy for avoiding picture-posing so far...he lunged for me, exclaiming, "KISS!!"

I mean, what mama is going to turn down a son's sweet kiss and hug just to catch a perfectly placed and posed snapshot?? I caught him on camera in mid-stride to me with his arms opened wide.... This picture, I'll treasure! :)
That is both a great picture and a sweet moment - love it!
he can come kiss me too anytime - cutie pie!
So, are you already shopping for dresses?!
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