Liz also did a similar one for my friend Emily who is in China with her husband now! They got Lia Kate on Monday, and she is just precious. We've been Skyping a bit, and I was literally caressing Lia Kate's cheek on my computer screen. I just wanted to reach in and hold her! You can find the link to their blog on my sidebar and follow their journey.
Have I mentioned that all I want for Christmas is our LOA? (aka Letter of Approval and next big step we're waiting for.) Santa, PLEASE!!!
That is so lovely... what a special piece of art to have in your daughter's room!
P.S. If Santa is bringing your LOA, maybe he'll throw my TA into his big ol' sack of goodies! :)
Have a blessed Christmas!
Praying you get that LOA soon! You and another Lifeline family (they're adopting Adrian at New Day). :)
Beautiful painting, and I love the tie comments about Carter in the post below. He is getting to be such a cute big boy!! Merry Christmas!!!
BEAUTIFUL! Love your thoughts on the painting... we will pray for your LOA for sure! Pray for the Owen family too - they are dear friends and supporters adopting a sibling group from Uganda (up to 4 children!) I love hearing these stories about adoption, they just make me SO excited!!! Love ya'll!
I have been wanting to paint something for our baby's nursery...I used to do that but I feel like I have to wait for our referral to be inspired! I love this painting and what it means to you!!!! PRECIOUS!
Can't wait for your LOA!! Keep us updated! :)
Hey girl!
Just a little FYI:
Since I went private with my blog, it will no longer update on your side bar when I have new post. Therefore, just click on "The Richey's" to see the latest entry.
One of the downsides of "privacy"!
Have a good 1st week in 2010!
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