Carter, we are so proud of you and all your milestones this month. We love you more every day.
Happy 3 Months, Carter!
Carter, we are so proud of you and all your milestones this month. We love you more every day.
Carter's Playdate
Carter and Ben
We laid them down side by side, but Ben wiggled over so his head was next to Carter's. Adorable!
I think they both took good naps after their playtime!
5 Stars!

There are numerous story Bibles out there, but this one is my favorite! It was given to us by my writing teacher at seminary, and I have been reading it to Carter since the first day we received it. Instead of just telling biblical stories on a children's level, the author (Sally Lloyd-Jones) ties Jesus into each chapter and shows how each individual story fits into the entire Bible, God's Story, His great redemptive plan. So you don't just get a parable or story, you get a theological framework to place it in.
Would you really want to teach your child that Abraham almost killed his son, Isaac, as a sacrifice to God unless you also explained the meaning and significance of God's request? Sally Lloyd-Jones beautifully explores the full meaning of each story. Every time I finish a chapter, I have chills. I have basically adopted this work as my latest devotional. I highly recommend you buy and read this book, even if you don't have children! (Incidentally, when I pulled the book image from, I saw that Dr. Tim Keller, renowned pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in NYC, recommended this book for every Christian.)
Here is an excerpt from the first chapter:
"Now, some people think the Bible is a book of rules, telling you what you should and shouldn't do. The Bible certainly does have some rules in it. They show you how life works best. But the Bible isn't mainly about you and what you should be doing. It's about God and what he has done.
Other people think the Bible is a book about heroes, showing you people you should copy. The Bible does have some heroes in it, but (as you'll soon find out) most of the people in the Bible aren't heroes at all. They make some big mistakes (sometimes on purpose), they get afraid and run away. At times they are downright mean.
No, the Bible isn't a book of rules, or a book of heroes. The Bible is most of all a Story. It's an adventure story about a young Hero who comes from a far country to win back his lost treasure. It's a love story about a brave Prince who leaves his palace, his throne - everything - to rescue the one he loves. It's like the most wonderful of fairy tales that has come true in real life!
You see, the best thing about this Story is - it's true. There are lots of stories in the Bible, but all the stories are telling one Big Story. The Story of how God loves his children and comes to rescue them. It takes the whole Bible to tell this Story. And at the center of the Story, there is a baby. Every Story in the Bible whispers his name. He is like the missing piece in a puzzle - the piece that makes all the other pieces fit together, and suddenly you can see a beautiful picture.
And this is no ordinary baby. This is the Child on which everything would depend. This is the Child who would one day - but wait. Our Story starts where all good stories start. Right at the very beginning..."
I am convinced this book could be used as an evangelistic tool to share the Gospel! I LOVE it and hope you will find it as refreshing and exciting as I do!
Please Pray for Katherine Arnold Wolf

Katherine Arnold Wolf (a girl I competed with in Miss AL years ago and an acquaintance) is in need of your prayers. (You might of seen her on "Smarter than a 5th Grader" a few weeks ago; it was taped when she was 8 months pregnant.) Last night, she was rushed to the hospital after collapsing and endured a 13-hour surgery. Below is an excerpt from the caring bridge site:
"It ends up that Katherine had a congenital condition called Arteriovenous Malformation, which as we understand it essentially means that she had a huge tangle of veins and arteries at the base of her brain, some of which began to rupture. It was the brain’s exposure to blood from this massive rupture which has potentially caused much of the long term damage. The surgeons would not speculate as to her potential for recovery, coma or time in Intensive Care."
Katherine is from Athens, GA, graduated from Samford University, and now lives in LA with her husband Jay who is in law school at Pepperdine. She is the mother of a 7-month old baby, James. Please pray for her recovery and check the caring bridge site for updates and prayer requests. Thank you for interceding!!
In Him,
In His Arms
I remember the first time I heard Plumb’s song “In My Arms.” I was riding in my car on the way to class, 6 months pregnant, and as I listened to the lyrics, my eyes filled with tears. The song, written about the singer’s kids, speaks of her desire to protect them from the pain, lies, unfulfilled dreams, and disappointments of life. The words of the chorus are: “knowing clouds will rage in, storms will race in, but you will be safe in my arms; rains will pour down, waves will crash around, but you will be safe in my arms.” That song became my “anthem” as I prepared to welcome my son into this wonderful but fallen world.
That is the most glorious image of hope I can imagine.
God, grant me the strength to pray this!
“Thought You Should Know”
I wanted you to have everything
Now it seems my conscience is torn
Between what I desire and what I believe
If I didn’t pray for you what my father prayed for me
And I pray that you will fall, and falling down you’ll stand up to rise above it all
I pray that God will break you as you grow
I thought you should know
Faith and hope will go a long way
You’ll learn all you need to know
That life is hard yet love remains
So I am asking God to put you to the test
And I pray that you will fall, and falling down you’ll stand up to rise above it all
I pray that God will break you as you grow
I thought you should know
And I am with you every step along that road
I thought you should know
Thank you to both couples for your testimonies of love, and congratulations!
Today, we also celebrate Carter's 11th week! Here are a few highlights from the last couple of weeks:
- At Carter's 2 month checkup, he weighed 13 lbs 11 oz and measured 24 1/2 inches, placing him in the 90th percentile for both weight and length. He had to get 4 shots at this appointment, which broke his mommy's heart, but he didn't cry for too long.
- This picture is of Carter with his 3rd?? cousin, Cece. Cece is my cousin Ashley's 7-month-old daughter. They have matching duckie outfits so we had to get a picture!
- The other day, while driving home from running errands, Carter began to fuss and cry. The times he cries most are when we're in the car and I can't do anything to comfort him. It's so hard to hear those cries and not pull over immediately. I decided to sing for him, and since he now loves "Old MacDonald Had a Farm," I launched into the song. Within seconds, he was silent. I could see in the mirror that he still had his bottom lip out and his eyebrows furrowed, but he didn't cry the rest of the way home. I sang about every animal I could think of to make the song last....I even included "mice...with a squeak squeak here." Hey, I'll do anything to stop my son's tears if I can help it.
- Carter attended his 1st playgroup last Friday. The mothers are wives of some guys I went to seminary with. Carter is by far the youngest, but he seemed to enjoy watching the "big kids."
- The day Carter got his shots, he ran a low fever that evening. I was holding him on the couch as he sucked on his pacifier and let out sad moans and cries. Again, I tried the tactic of singing. He immediately broke into an enormous, gum-revealing grin, causing his paci to drop out, and I felt like I was the best mom (and the best singer) in the world!
- His smiles are so big and contagious. The bathtub video I posted last month is now only a tiny glimpse of the big grin he loves to flash. Here is a video of him smiling and cooing. Unfortunately, every time I get out the camera, it distracts him so I can't ever capture the best smiles on video. I did, however, capture a very humorous look at the end of the video. I have no idea what caused it!
- This past month, we got the special treat of having my two childhood best friends from New Jersey come visit! Jen and her husband Blake were driving through Alabama on their way from Mississippi back to Pennsylvania where they are helping with the Barack Obama campaign. Then, Cara and her husband Graham were in town for a week performing with the Spamalot Broadway tour. It was such a joy to introduce them to Carter, and I loved catching up with them.
We also got a visit from my sweet friend Kelley who now lives in Dallas. This picture is of my friend Susan, Kelley, Carter, and me. We miss you Kel! (Yes, I realize Carter has on his duckie outfit in practically every picture, but I want to get good use out of it before he grows more!) :)
We're still working on sleeping through the night, but that will happen soon enough. After all this celebrating, we're all bound to conk out eventually. Til then, I toast to family, friends, loving marriages, sweet memories, and catnaps!