
Calling All Single Men...

I admit... I am far-removed from the dating scene. But after a close friend shared that her latest suitors have been communicating and planning almost solely by texting, our group of girlfriends knew this social faux pas had to be addressed. I say the following statements with the utmost respect for the male sex and in hopes that men following this cultural trend will discover what a huge turn-off it is and adjust their tactics accordingly.

Men, here's where I need your attention.

We know it's tempting, but texting is absolutely NOT ACCEPTABLE for:
  • asking women out
  • DTR talks (is that still a current acronym??)
  • or breaking off a relationship
Yes, we recognize that it can be nerve-wracking and humbling to ask a girl out on a date. In fact, many of us women don't think we could do it! But think of this: men have been asking women out for centuries without the aid of an electronic device to protect their egos. A phone call, or even better yet... an invitation face-to-face...goes a long way in our books. Please don't let courage, chivalry, and respect die with the times. These qualities are some of the reasons why we love you.

As a sidenote, texting IS okay (and appreciated) for flirting, sweet compliments you know we'll want to read and reread, and other such words of encouragement or humour.

Will the real men please step forward?

We believe in you! :)

Sincerely and warmly yours,


e said...

One of the many things that will be important to teach our boys in this day and age...and teach your girls not to respond to that nonsense!

Prentices said...

Preach it, sister. UNacceptable!

Jeremy and Michelle said...

I just told a single guy friend of ours this very thing - I thought maybe I was so old this is what the "kids" were doing these days!

Jeremy and Michelle said...

I just told a single guy friend of ours this very thing - I thought maybe I was so old this is what the "kids" were doing these days!

AB said...

thank you! ...and it's not just texting, but also, "___ has requested to be your FRIEND on facebook". yes, it has got to that point..just get her number or talk to her! i'm just sayin', not that i know. HA!

Ericka B. Jackson said...

AMEN! Facebook is also UNacceptable for the above things! Glad I am not in the dating world anymore (though I definitely experienced some of these faux pas when I was).

The Scott family said...

Amen, sister! Glad we didn't have to deal with that!! I'm not really looking forward to the cell phone days in our house! Glad I have some time...

Melissa said...

My teenage daughter was just "dumped" by text:( She was so broken hearted. She told him it was wrong of him to do it by text. His response, I didn't want to hear you cry or you hear me stutter. Grrrr