Six amazing years since the day I married my best friend and love of my life.
Happy Anniversary Scott!
Here are the some of my favorite memories of that sacred day when I became your wife:

Seeing each other for the first time that day

A few quiet moments together before the ceremony

Preparing to walk down the aisle with my dad

Going from "Kelley Michelle Brown"....

....to "Kelley Brown Brown" :)

aka "Mrs. Scott Brown"
Being surrounded by our families and closest friends

Praying with my bridesmaids minutes before the ceremony

Our first dance to "At Last"

You dancing with your mother

Gaining a brother and sister

Julie's toast to us in the reception video that all of our "ups and downs be under the covers." (That still makes me giggle.)

Seeing my beautiful mom glow with joy and pride

Toasting champagne with my mom and sister as they tied up my train

Seeing MaMa (who is now 93) boogie on the dance floor

Leaving the reception in a sea of rose petals

Heading off on our honeymoon

And realizing we had years ahead of us to walk together.
In some ways, the last six years have sped by. On the other hand, this is the first time I've looked at our pictures and thought, "We looked so much younger then!" :) The last six years have held many joys: Breckenridge, Jackson Hole, seminary, you becoming partner, the birth of Carter, the adoptions of Grace and Caroline, our new home, the gain of a brother-in-law and a sister-in-law, and moments I'll always treasure. Even working through the grief of each miscarriage and talking about that glorious day when we meet our seven additional children in heaven, I couldn't imagine a more sensitive, selfless, generous, supportive, and loving man to endure those hard times with. You are the most upstanding man I know, and seeing you become a father has been one of the best blessings of my life.
I'm know we will have more heartaches and trials to endure, but we've learned we can do messy and difficult when we face it together. And there's no one else I'd rather chase dreams with than you. So here's to many more messy, challenging, joyful, laughter-filled, family-bonding, sanctifying, unforgettable years as husband and wife.
I love you Mister!