Let's see... where to start. Here is a picture Caroline took out her window on the airplane. With the long flight being her 2nd plane ride ever, she was very intrigued with the view and took tons of pictures.

Here are two pictures from our homecoming at the airport that I didn't have for the last post:
And Caroline with some of her new cousins (Mary Katherine, Alex, and Tate) who brought her flowers and candy! They have been so sweet and excited about Caroline's arrival in the US, and we have a feeling they will be pretty tight buds. We'll head to the lake this coming weekend so they can hang out and have some bonding time over swimming, skiing, UNO, and other fun games that don't necessarily require language skills!
Some highlights from the last couple of days:
- When we got home after midnight Thursday night, Caroline loved looking around the house and then spent several hours organizing her room, framing pictures she had brought with her, setting up her bookshelf, etc. She and I didn't go to bed until after 3 am. But she was so excited, I wanted to let her make her room her own. I have to admit that I cringed when she moved the bookcase, rearranged some items, and put some stickers on the lamp and dresser. Until now, I have had total decorating control over the whole house. But I realize I have to relax and allow her to create a bedroom that is truly "tween" and her own.
- Friday, I let Caroline sleep until 12 pm and then woke her up. We spent the day playing and resting and visiting with my parents. Courtney (my sister) joined us for dinner. And then Scott's sister Julie and his parents came over for dessert. Julie gave Caroline a game set that includes badmitton (Caroline's fave sport), and we all had so much fun playing in the yard. We found that she is VERY coordinated! I am checking into tennis lessons for her since the US doesn't really sport a strong badmitton program.
- Another activity Caroline has LOVED is playing our piano. She has spent a ton of time on the bench picking out tunes from "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" to "Fur Elise." She says she has never played a piano before now. So she's either tricking us, or she's got a knack for music. By Saturday, I had her a piano lesson scheduled for this week. :) It might sound crazy to be throwing her into activities, but she has made it clear that she gets restless and wants to have some things to do. I think she'll love having some piano exercises to practice.
- Yesterday was a challenging day. We are trying to establish rules but don't want to overwhelm our new addition. We've told her that she can't lock her door, she has to eat in the kitchen, she has to ask before she eats snacks (particularly sweets or junkfood), lights have to be out by 10 pm, etc. Caroline began to cop an attitude with us (I'm sure her ideal family she envisioned didn't include rules), and we had to establish the mindset that we are her parents. We value her opinions and input, but we ultimately make the decisions and expect her to obey us. She seemed to understand this and was very cooperative the rest of the evening.
- One funny thing that she did before our "talk" was her effort to sleep. She had already napped for several hours and Scott had to wake her so she would sleep last night. He explained with the translator why it was important for her to get up then and that she could go back to bed early. About 10 minutes later, we couldn't find Caroline. After a brief search, Scott discovered her in her closet sleeping on some pillows she'd piled on the floor. He woke her again. Five minutes later, she was missing...again. Scott found her under her bed!! We were aggravated at the time because she wasn't following Scott's orders, but it's funny to think about now. The poor child just desperately wanted some peace, quiet, and sleep and couldn't fathom why her new parents were so bothersome. :)
- Yesterday, I took Caroline to get some new clothes (since most of the clothes I had brought to China were too small) and shoes. Another funny note, the reason the clothes were all too small was because the measurements emailed to us a few weeks prior to our departure were incorrect. Her weight had been rounded down by 8 lbs! I laughed when I realized what had happened because isn't that a typical female thing to do?? I mean, honestly, who of you has your ACTUAL weight on your driver's license? I am pretty sure mine is from high school.
- And one more update from our first 2 days home....Caroline woke up at 5 am yesterday. She waited until 6:20 to wake us up. But in the time before that, she had made her bed, made Grace's bed (Grace ended up in our bed during the night), cleaned the den, and had breakfast.
I have more to update, but this post is long enough. I guess I need to keep the posts more frequent to avoid hour-long reads. And I know if I don't get these updates on "paper," there's no way I'll remember the details even a month from now.
Thanks for all the reminders that tweens are moody and emotional even when they aren't adopted. That definitely helped me realize that she wasn't reacting to us personally and we aren't necessarily doing anything wrong. But I still covet your prayers as we transition. I will write more tomorrow about yesterday and today's emotions, challenges, and progress.
Hope you're having a restful Sunday!
Much love,
So glad you guys are home safe :) Caroline is precious....I think I've said that in every comment I've posted, but it's SO true :)
May God continue to bond you, guide you, and provide
your "daily bread" of needs.....for all 3 of your children and husband :)
Much love
first - so so sweet about Carter wanting to be just like his daddy...and his daddy is pretty impressive to have gone into work on Friday after your travel adventures, wow!
can't imagine how excited Caroline was to see her new house and room! And what a laid-back girl you are to let her redecorate that beautiful room! :)
love you and so happy you're home!
sounds like she is feeling very safe with her new parents!!! so encouraging. love that she is externalizing and testing!
Carter is so amazingly cute and i love Grace's spunk!
I just recently found your blog! Love it! I'm adopting a 10 year old and hope to bring her home next spring. Thanks for sharing, it helps prepare me for my journey!
Seeing pictures of Caroline at home just makes my heart happy. Makes it all the more real.
Jackson has a way of winning over everyone...just ask another non-dog lover, Martha. :)
Praying for wisdom, courage, and patience. May the God that we love surround your home with His presence in such a way that you can't help but feel it!
So thankful you guys arrived home safely. Love the precious comments from Carter. Praying for strength and guidance as you begin this new journey in your life with 3 children instead of 2. Thanks for all your updates.
Yes, Lindsey would be correct. I am not exactly what you call a dog-lover, but Jackson just might be my new best friend...to say our friends were shocked is an understatement. Caroline will warm right up! I might have let him sleep in the bed with me! Hope that hasn't caused a problem!
I am loving reading about Caroline's transition to her new home. I'm praying for you guys as you face the challenges and joys in the days ahead. Praying also for Carter and Grace that they would delight in their new big sister!
It is so good to see you home. Caroline looks like she is doing very well. She seems to have such a sweet nature. Twelve is a tough age. I admire her for being able to deal with normal tween feelings as well as all the new stuff with it. I admire you and your husband for rising to the challenge of helping her through it all. Blessings!!
Loving these updates! I love the story about Carter! I know Scott had to have loved that! :)
Hi Kelly!
I have loved following your journey and appreciate SO MUCH you sharing your heart! I am praying for God's grace to pour out on you all by the bucketfuls in this time of transition and continuing to get to know one another...
Please don't hesitate to ask if there is ANYTHING I can do for you!
Blessings to you!
Laine Ferrill (the one who always thought you were my husband calling from Healthsouth! I still snicker when I think how embarrassing that was on MORE than one occasion! LOL!
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