So, here I sit, 39 weeks pregnant, just waiting for the labor pains to begin. The nursery is ready, the bags are packed, baby clothes are washed and arranged by size, drawers and closets are organized, my mom is already in town, and I grow more anxious every day to meet our son, Carter. Being a planner, it is extremely challenging to wake up each morning and have no idea whether it will be the "big" day or not. Is it impatience, A.D.D., O.C.D.? Perhaps all of the above. I like to think I am just ready to embrace the next phase of life. In the meantime, I am desperately trying to entertain myself without spending large sums of money! :)
In response to your requests, here are some pictures I took of the nursery this weekend. The room has an understated safari theme. Ironically, the green material with white animals that you see on the bumper pad and curtains is actually called "Carter's Safari!" (The green fabrics look a bit neon in the photos, but they are much more subdued in person.) Scott has been teasing me that the abundance of elephants in the room (see picture of rug for example) indicate a transference of loyalty from Auburn to Alabama. However, my real purpose and strategy is to teach Carter that he should never be intimidated by elephants.
I love the chandelier! THe nursery looks great. Can't wait for Carter to get here!!
Your nursery is beautiful, Kelley! I am so excited to see Carter in it. Enjoy your day today!
I love the nursery! Can't wait to come see it in person with your little sweetie in his abode. Praying for tomorrow!
Kelley - Congrats on the imminent arrival of your sweet baby boy - I remember the day I hit 40 weeks - that's when my patience really waned - but he will be here before you know it! As much as not knowing can be unnerving - I think if I had known the exact day and time I would have freaked out a little bit! You are about to have sooo much fun!!!
Be blessed!
Love - Michelle, Jeremy and James Allen
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