David (our guide) told us that when he had driven LiYun's two friends home the night before, they shared that LiYun was one to be happy all the time and laugh a lot but had some sadness or conflict in her heart. They said that she doesn't cry very much and is very private about what she's really feeling. So as I expected, she has some walls up. I have continually reassured her that it's okay to be sad, it's expected to miss her foster parents, and she won't disappoint me by experiencing those emotions. But I feel like I may smother her or push her away if I tell her these things too many times right now. So I'm praying for other ways to support her and encourage her.
Today, someone in our group (there are nine Lifeline agency families here in Guangzhou) asked LiYun about her American name. I reminded her that she could choose whether to be called Caroline or LiYun. And I also added that we could call her LiYun as a nickname if she chose Caroline. Her exact translated response was, "Caroline. When in Rome, do as Romans do." Very clever. And surprising! I assumed she would keep LiYun. I also saw on the first page of the diary notebook she showed me that she had written in "Caroline LiYun Brown." It was a journal we sent a few months ago in a care package, and we had shared her name in the letter. I thought it was so neat that she had written in her new name months ago.
Speaking of names, LiYun discovered today that she has another name: Zhu. We were given a copy of the birthnote that she was found with. To be honest, we were a little disappointed that the birthmother had not written more. The note consisted only of LiYun's birthdate and a Chinese character "zhu." David and the orphanage director that Zhu was LiYun's given name before she was abandoned. I shared the note with LiYun today...she had never seen it before. And she immediately said, "My name is Zhu?" She didn't seem overly affected by the note. I told her it was very special to have a note from her birthmom and that she could talk to me if she ever wanted to discuss her biological parents with anyone.
Keeping a diary is one tidbit that LiYun spontaneously shared. She also asked me a question today out of the blue. That question was whether we were going to adopt an orphan again. I told her that Daddy and I talk about it, and that I'd love to come back for a boy. She said she very much wanted us to adopt again, and that she specifically hoped for a brother of the age 11. Put in this crazy conversation I didn't think would happen so soon, I also told her that I hoped to have another baby. She seemed excited by that idea too. But she vocalized her disappointment when I told her that we wouldn't be adopting again for at least two more years.
Some prayer requests:
- Carter has had A LOT of fits. We're talking screaming, crying, hysterical, almost panicky tantrums. We can't always pinpoint what the trigger is. We know that he thrives on routine and predictability. And that is NOT what this trip is. Add on jet lag, strange places and smells, new foods, a new sibling, and all kinds of changes, and you can get one cranky and moody child. But his fits are so often that LiYun wrote, "Why is Carter always angry?" When he's behaving and sweet, he is a doll. He likes for LiYun to hold him or play "monsters." But I think his crazy fits are disconcerting to her as well. I know they are to me!
- Grace and LiYun have both developed colds. Our hotel room in Guangzhou is so humid that the sheets and clothes laying out feel damp. Please pray that God would keep all of us healthy.
- Grace hasn't seemed to experience any sort of stress or anxiety over being in China again. But I can tell she is jealous. I can see that she craves my full attention and resents LiYun for stealing some of it. Please pray that she will warm up to LiYun again and shower her with love and affection.
- Please pray that God would continue to lead me in how to comfort LiYun. I need to know when it's okay to just let her be and when I should step in and hug her or start talking with her.
- Pray for LiYun's heart, that she would be able to process all that's happening and that she would feel at ease talking with me or simply leaning in for hugs when she feels most vulnerable.
Hi Kelley!
I have been reading your blog each day and just want to tell you what a beautiful family you have. We came home with our daughter almost 3 months ago!! There is another girl there now from Birmingham as well whose blog I am also reading. I have been captivated by your particular story b/c as my husband and I were deciding on an adoption agency this time last year, we looked at Lifeline's website (we are originally from Birmingham, but live in the Memphis area now). I saw your beautiful daughter's picture and read about her. She captivated me instantly!! I called my husband to come look at her picture and we commented how beautiful she was. Ever since, I have thought about her and prayed that she would find her forever family and had often wondered if she had. I couldn't believe my eyes when I came across your blog sometime ago and that YOU were adopting that precious girl!! What a small world!
I pray the remainder of your trip is full of precious memories and I can't wait to see Caroline settled into her new home!! You are certainly a blessing to her, but I am sure you agree that she is an even bigger blessing to you!
Thrilled for you and your family!!
Julie Mann
Our blog is oliviasnewhome.blogspot.com
We are coming to Children's Hospital at UAB for all of our daughter's care. Most of our family is in the Chelsea area.
LiYun is so blessed to have a mother who is so in tune with her feelings and actions. Prayers for continued communication and for your little ones. The time change alone is hard enough.
Our prayers are with you all.
Oh I have loved following along.Thank you so much for taking time to keep your blog up!
LiYun is just beautiful and you are doing such a wonderful job as her mama.
I'm praying for you guys as your enter your last week in China.
I LOVE your new family picture at the header of your blog!!!! PRECIOUS! WOW, so many emotions going on right now - and ALL totally normal and to be expected, from BOTH angles :) From the outside looking in, I can totally see God preparing you for each step....even the baby steps. And maybe, just maybe, He is simply supplying your "daily bread" of needs to deal with each and every step.....so, that said - I encourage you not to worry about what is to come (in leau of future conversations, decisions, grieving, etc) as He will provide for you and for Caroline (and Sweet Carter as he is also adjusting to this precious new addition). I will pray he provides your daily bread of emotional support for Caroline and the wisdom to know when and when not to talk......
SO much admiration for you.....I know you are not sharing to shine any light on yourself, but let me just say - YOU ARE SUCH AN INSPIRATION and God IS using you.....even in the rawest of moments and in the depths of your sharing on this blog - THANK YOU for being so real and honest and sharing both ends of the spectrum and everything in between :)
There is so much to come - part of that adjusting to life when you get home- HOLD ON to the week you have left in China....cherish what you can - even taking care of her with a cold :) You GET to love on her a little more right now :)
Much love
Kelley, I can so relate! I have the same insecurities about how to mother our new 12 year old. She told our guide in GZ last week that we were touching her too much, so I backed off a little, but then I felt like I was creating too much of a distance, so I started doubting whether I should be respecting her space or not. Oy. Then she started being a TOTAL pill (found out a few days later it was likely PMS on top of grief) and I found myself feeling sorry for MYSELF. Mother of the year! Anyway, thankful that God's grace is sufficient to cover ALL, which means He will pick up wherever I leave off as a mom!
Praying you through the rest of the trip! This is not for the faint of heart, that's for sure!!
we dont know each other but i had to comment because i totally understood your thoughts. the doubting and wondering if she is rejecting you as mother... i just want to encourage you that one, that is totally a normal emotion, but two, don't let the enemy use that against you. i think many moms (me!) fall victim to that because it's our greatest fear! that they won't love us fully or that they will flat out reject us. and if the enemy can start to make your mind wander there too often and if you then might put up a wall, even if just a little one, around your heart to protect it, then he's had a small victory. i just want to encourage you to continue to keep your heart open to your daughter and to your Lord, just like you are doing. don't let those insecurities arise but remember that God did clearly call and confirm this path to you and as it says in Isaiah, He will accomplish all His will. He loves you and loves her infinitely and works all together for good.... all of this is a recipe for PEACE and trust! i know this is a lot of "advice" from a stranger, haha, but when i read your words, i remembered feeling that exact same thing! only i coudn't identify it as such until a few months later. i just want to encourage you to stay strong in your confidence in Him and His perfect plan! :) He's at work! There's NO doubt about that!! :)
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