It's a beautiful, sunny, and warm (well, warm enough to play outside) day!! And Carter and I have had such a fun time. Today's episode of Disney's The Imagination Movers was even about birthdays. Carter keeps thinking it's his birthday again too. :)
As far as life in my 30s, I am still loving it. I do have to say that I noticed 4 big changes this last year that I assume are just a part of aging:
1) My skin has suddenly become very dry. Particularly my forehead. So dry that I sometimes have to apply moisturizer 3-4x a day so it won't itch or flake. Lancome counter, here I come. Or maybe I should start with Vaseline.
2) I am at the same weight as pre-baby, but everything continues to shift. I am certainly not as toned as I used to be, but I also just carry weight way differently that I used to. It's a little bit depressing, but I am not giving up on a return to bikinis.
3) The, ahem, monthly visitor, that all of us women groan about has decided to stay a few extra days each time. I tried to tell her that she wasn't welcome to stick around that long, but AF doesn't listen well.
4) While I do notice lines around my eyes, they aren't noticeable under makeup. But I never thought the lines and wrinkles on my hands would be the sure tell sign of my age. :) My new theory is that you can estimate a person's age based on their hands. I am not kidding. Compare the hands of a college girl and the hands of a 30-something woman. You'll see what I'm talking about.
I like to use my birthdays as a time of reflection. Here are some of the highlights I'll always remember about the last year:
- My first REAL publication (real meaning it came with a check) :) It was a devotion in The Upper Room.
- Scott and I completed house plans for the home we hope to build next year and live in forever. It was such a fun project to work on together as we dreamed about our future and our family.
- Carter learned how to say, "Wuv you, Momma." Love it!!
- We got matched with our precious daughter, Grace.
- I reached a new level of intimacy with the Lord once I fully grasped that his love is UNFAILING. Some lessons don't sink in until you're driven to your knees.
Scott and I do a mini retreat every January to evaluate, plan, set goals, and make resolutions, but here are some random hopes and goals for this next year:
- Write an article a week.
- Learn to use my new camera through some type of class or book.
- Develop some allergy-free recipes for Carter that our whole family can eat together (recipes that will taste good too)
- Work my tummy and get a six pack. :)
-Then get pregnant and carry the baby (or babies!) full term. (Okay, so that may not ALL happen before my next bday.)
- Enjoy sweet moments with my children because they'll be all grown up before I know it.
- Drop what I'm doing to welcome home my husband every day instead of being so focused on finishing dinner, laundry, or other less significant tasks.
It's been a joyful day, and I couldn't conclude without celebrating my mom, Mary Lynn.
Happy Birthday, Kelley! You don't look a day over 25!
Happy Birthday, Kelley! I hope you have a wonderful rest of the day!
Hi, I stumbled on your blog through a friend's blog favorites and I have so enjoyed following your beautiful family. I hope you have a wonderful b'day.
btw, try Bobbi Brown Face Oil. It's magic ;)
Sounds like your week is ending on a great note! What a big year you've had - and what excitement lies ahead for you and your family.
And it was wonderful to see the picture of your mom!! Brings back fun of Kempson's, JECKAM and the sleepovers with our whole crew at your house (and all the plans we all had to sneak out of your basement and onto the golf course). ;)
Happy birthday Kelley! I didn't realize that we shared the same birthday. Aren't the 30's great! I keep telling myself that.:)
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