While Carter has stayed in the 90 or 95% in height his whole life, he just recently jumped from 60% to 90% in weight! I wondered whether I'd been feeding him too many french fries (sometimes my only option, along with fruit, for his allergies when we're out to eat) but the doctor wasn't concerned. She thinks his weight is evening out with his height.
Here are some changes and milestones I've noticed since he's turned 2:
- His vocabulary has been pretty broad for awhile, but he's suddenly been putting phrases and sentences together in the last week or so. It's wild to carry on somewhat of a conversation with him and to follow his thoughts. I love it!
- He is really getting into using his imagination to play games. He likes to make noises for everything. And he has a sense of humor. Hence the bowl as a hat.
- He gave me his 1st REAL kiss (with the lips smacking) last Friday. The BEST birthday gift!
- He has suddenly shown an interest in sitting on the potty and he teeteed on it today!!! I only put him up on it to humor his request and didn't really think he'd go, but he did. So I made a big deal about it, and he was very proud. However, I am not planning to potty train him until the summer. It really doesn't seem like the best time to tackle it right now.
- He LOVES the outdoors. He chants, "Outside! Outside! Run run run! Outside!" We played out in the yard today in 43 degree weather, and he would have stayed out until dark had I let him.
- He loves books and has many of them memorized. Being a book lover myself, I am thrilled that he is so fascinated with them!
- His drink of choice is now OJ. (watered down big time)
- Instead of saying "No," he says "Note!" And when he's really mad, he whispers it under his breath. :)
- For being such an active kid, he really enjoys cuddling. I love the mornings when he asks, "Sit Mama?" We watch Disney Playhouse with him in my lap and my coffee in hand. And I pray these days of snuggling don't pass too quickly.
- He is very methodical. Very into routine. Very focused. (sometimes on the wrong thing)
- He adores babies. He will stand in front of them for long periods of times. He likes to hug them and pat their heads. And he likes to kiss my friend Julia's belly because he knows there's a baby in there. Recently, he's been lifting up my shirt to kiss my tummy and tell me there's a baby in there. :) Sweet child, I wish there was!
Those are just a few of his little quirks and preferences. Every day I look at him and think to myself how much bigger and taller he appears. He's growing up on me! Parenting a toddler can be tough, but when he throws himself into my arms and says Mama, nothing else could be more worth it.
1 comment:
Your Carter is the same size my Cooper was at 2 (and Cooper was almost a Carter). Coop is now 8, weighs 75 lbs, is 4'9 and wears the same show size as me.
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