Okay, wait...that was Saturday. HA! I am totally losing track of which day is which. So yesterday....yesterday we went to Liwan Plaza shopping mall. Our guides, Rebecca and Lily, are awesome. And they have activities planned for each day. So they helped the families shop for traditional Chinese dress, pearls and jade, and other items. Many parents buy pearls for their children for a big occasion such as high school graduation or marriage. When I explained to LiYun that we were buying her a pearl necklace for her wedding day, she said, "Too early???" I laughed and explained that we're saving them for her wedding day...which is YEARS away! (Twenty years away, according to Scott.) I think she thought for a second that she was being whisked away to America for an arranged marriage. :)

Because they string the pearls while you are there, you can customize your jewelry by adding additional beads, black or pink pearls, etc. So LiYun designed necklaces for both herself and for me which tiny pearls and then some aqua beads. They're really pretty!
When we got back from the mall, I noticed LiYun had a small tear in her shorts. I told her I could sew it, but she insisted that she do it herself. She found the sewing kit and stitched up the hole in just minutes. I'm telling you, this girl is resourceful!
LiYun met a 12-year-old whose family is adopting a little girl. And they live in Vestavia. What are the chances of that? The girls may even end up being in school together. Piper was so sweet to LiYun, and I translated that she wanted to be friends. When we got to the mall, LiYun walked up to Piper and took her hand. They walked like this for several minutes...it was so sweet! Unfortunately, they dropped hands right before I snapped this picture.
At the recommendation of many families with adopted older children, we headed to a HUGE bookstore with Lily and her 15-year-old daughter. This bookstore has 6 floors. And my new daughter and I discovered that we share a passion for books. And even more specifically ... classics. My CLS friends, you will love that she grabbed Jane Eyre, Anne of Green Gables, The Little Princess, The Secret Garden, The Little Prince, Little Women, and more!
We bought most of these in bilingual versions that have the English on one page and Chinese on the opposite page. So we can read the books together as she learns our language. She also picked up several Chinese books so she can keep up her Chinese. And then I got some elementary level books that teach cultural fairytales and stories American children learn when young. It's a great way for her to begin learning simple English words too. We even bought some Harry Potter study guides that have Chinese and English so we can read and discuss (as we both have read them all and love them). Before we left, she also picked out two books: one with stories about a mother's love, and one with stories about a father's love. People were staring at us as we carried gigantic piles of books to check out. But LiYun and I were in literary heaven. (We actually have to buy a small suitcase tomorrow in order to get all the books home.)
In addition to classics, she reads all sorts of genres. She even bought a reference-type book in Nanning that gives tips for everything from how to clean to how to help popping ears on an airplane to the best methods for cooking rice. Our guide Lily was impressed that she was reading this and joked that her teenage daughter Angela needed to read it. I told LiYun that when her English gets good, she needs to teach me all the wisdom she learned from this practical book.
LiYun met a 12-year-old whose family is adopting a little girl. And they live in Vestavia. What are the chances of that? The girls may even end up being in school together. Piper was so sweet to LiYun, and I translated that she wanted to be friends. When we got to the mall, LiYun walked up to Piper and took her hand. They walked like this for several minutes...it was so sweet! Unfortunately, they dropped hands right before I snapped this picture.
Last night, I could tell LiYun was a little down. We asked her if she wanted to call her foster parents, and for the first time, she said yes. So she had a brief conversation with them and then talked to her best friend. And after some rounds of UNO with Scott and me, she was smiling big. I can't remember if I already shared this, but she loves to throw down draw 2, draw 4, or skip for her daddy. And when she does it, she gives him the cutest look!
I have noticed a change in LiYun in the week that she's been with us. At first, when we would say, "I love you" to her, she would respond quickly with an "I love you." But now, when we say it, she says "really?" or "yes?" almost like it is starting to sink in that we do love her. I believe we're getting past the point where she says what she thinks she supposed to say. When we tell her how beautiful she is and how everyone here tells us that she is so stunning and elegant, she acts surprised. She seems like a confident girl, but deep down, I believe she has always struggled with confidence, given her orphan status. And she's shocked that people here think so highly of her . It's sweet to see this change and I love that she's seeking reassurance and confirmation from us, like "Yeah, you really love me?" It's a step in the right direction.
Today, we headed to Shamian Island to shop and play. The island is where we stayed when we came to adopt Grace (White Swan Hotel). The agency now puts all families in the Garden Hotel in the main part of Guangzhou. Being on the island made me miss it though. With statues, tall old trees, beautiful flowers, cobblestone paths, and unique architecture, Shamian Island is so charming. We took some pictures on the Red Couch at the White Swan...this is a tradition for adoptive families.

We purchased a few more souenirs and then let the kids play at the playground behind Lucy's. LiYun ran around playing with Carter and Grace and helped them climb.

I have mentioned before how much attention Carter gets here in China. He is getting just as much attention in Guangzhou as he did in Nanning. Many Chinese carry umbrellas to protect their skin from the sun because pale skin is more beautiful than dark skin in their eyes. I think Carter's pale skin is why he is such a celebrity. That and is curly hair. Anyway, he gets LOTS of attention everywhere we go. I am even picking up the Chinese phrase, "he is so beautiful" when people here say it. ;o) Grace gets a lot of attention too. People here comment on how very coordinated and strong she is for a 2 1/2 year old. Everyone assumes that she is the newly adopted child and that LiYun has been with us longer. But when Grace pipes up and says something in English, they get confused and start asking questions. It is funny to see people's reactions.

While watching an older Chinese boy hang on the monkey bars today, Carter informed me that he wants a 7-year-old brother. I giggled and told Scott (who gave me the eyes and "scolded" me about getting our son to lobby for another adoption). :) I told Carter that I thought he would enjoy a younger brother because he would do a great job taking care of him. Carter replied, "But a big brother would take care of me!" Seeing all the kids here, from ages 1 to 13, I can't help but think that we're not done. To be honest, I fear we'll end up with 7 or 8 kids. That was most definitely never my plan. :) We just need to get home and settle down as a family of 5. But it's pretty funny how many families share that they start having an inkling about another adoption while still in China!!
For now, I'm ready to focus my attention on my sweet kiddos and learn the dynamics of life with such a wide age span. I always love being in China, but I am definitely itching to get home now so the youngest two can get back on a schedule. I am eager to show LiYun her home and city. And I am so anxious to see my family and friends. I miss you all.

It was fun to spot other American families today because most were sporting red, white and blue. I hope you all have a wonderful July 4th! Enjoy some fireworks for us!
Hey Kelley,
We just love hearing from you guys each day. Know that we are praying for you! Also I wanted to comment on Piper. I know them. They used to go to the daycare and dance studio where I worked. They are such a sweet sweet family. Tell them I said hello if you see them again.
Prayers for your time left in China and your travels back!
Liz Terrell
Have enjoyed reading about your growing family so much......what a wonderful gift meeting Piper may be fir Caroline.
Well, I think you've covered all of our bases as far as guides go! We've had two adoptions---one from Kunming where our guide was Helen and one from Guangxi where our guide was David and then we had both Lily and Rebecca in Guangzhou. We were just with LIly and Rebecca three months ago! I wanted to bring Rebecca with us for the long flight home! Our son adored her!
Enjoy your time in China with your lovely new daughter!
Eileen Beck
Sounds like you've had a good couple of days together, so glad to hear it! Ben wanted to Skype with "Tarter and Dace" the other day, and I told him you were in China getting them a new big sister. A long conversation about transportation and time zones followed, but all that to say that you are all very missed, even by Chattanooga Ben! Love you and want to plan a visit once you're home and back on schedule. Thanks for the updates, praying for the rest of your trip!
Another beautiful post with fantastic pictures!! I know I say it all the time, but I am so happy for you and Scott and the smiles on ALL of your faces are priceless. I LOVE the picture of Scott kissing Liyun on the head...there is something special between daddies and their daughters! I would love to meet up again when you guys get home and get settled. When do you come back? Enjoy the rest of your trip and Congratulations again on your new family of FIVE!!
How wonderful that she loves to READ! What a great bonding detail for you two! :) Loved all these pictures - she is just such a beauty! We're so excited for you all...and I'm amazed at the ease with with she has become a part of your family. She looks like she loves Carter & Grace so much!
This is such a neat tradition. A perfect way to remember this special time....and what girl doesn't LOVE pearls!?!?
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