If you haven't read the last few posts, scroll down to learn about the plight of orphans and why (Un)adopted exists.
Recognizing the plight of orphans worldwide, the ministry of (Un)adopted began to establish long-term care for millions of orphans. We seek to do this by empowering the indigenous church and transforming communities through education, job and economic development, opportunity, adoption, and exposure to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our approach is holistic...we want to create sustainable and reproducible solutions and programs in communities as opposed to a band-aid approach where only immediate needs are met and the core problems remain untouched. Our hope is that solutions, support, and opportunities will exist for older orphans because communities have been transformed and aim to care for "the least of these."
Our initial countries of focus are the Dominican Republic, Ukraine, China, and Uganda. Our approach and goals will look different in each country because of various cultural differences, needs, resources, and mindsets. We are sending a missionary family to the Dominican Republic in June, and they will begin planting a church and school in Puerta Plata. The DR is one of the top four countries in the world for sex trafficking!! I'll be introducing you to the Little Family in a few days, but keep them in your prayers as they prepare for the mission field and continue to raise their financial support. We are excited to see what the Lord is going to do once the Littles are on the ground.
I could go on with all the intricate details of plans and goals, but here are a few examples of what (un)adopted will be doing:
- planning mission trips to teach life skills and job skills (girls in Ukraine will learn sewing so they can begin mastering a trade and making money...when they have no way to make money, prostitution becomes opportunity and survival in their minds)
- helping communities develop micro-economies
- taking the message of the Gospel to orphans to provide immediate and eternal hope
- connecting orphanages with schools and churches to ensure kids are being educated
- coordinating apprenticeships for orphans so they began acquiring job skills
- establishing transitional housing so orphans who age out have a temporary place to live while they find a job and learn how to live on their own
My job is pretty much a catch-all position given that I'm the only designated (Un)adopted employee. But I enjoy the variety of doing marketing, PR, event planning, mission trip coordination, ministry, and TRAVEL! I'll be going to the Dominican Republic for a few days in May, and then to Uganda in September. I can't wait to love on those kids and connect with people in the community so they can become advocates for the kids themselves.
Wow! What a calling! I cannot wait to follow all your journeys. Your going to want to bring them all home. I will be lifting you up in prayer as you prepare for your first trip. Many blessings to you!
This sounds AWESOME!!! What a great opportunity for you! :)
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