I know many of you have been waiting on an adoption update. I've held off posting anything because there wasn't any real news. But now I'm so emotional, frustrated, and desperate that I'm pleading for you to join me in praying for resolution, favor, and expedience.
As most of you know, we began the process to adopt Caroline in October. Because we could reuse our dossier from last year when we adopted Grace, we thought the process would move much more quickly. Unfortunately, our home study update got slowed down due to the backlong of clearances at our state DHR. (Like 3 months slowed down) Then, we were finally DTC "Dossier to China" on February 4th. If things had gone as normal, we would have been logged in by February 11th or soon thereafter. And we would have our LOA (Letter of Approval...letter seeking confirmation that we're adopting her) by March or April. Travel would follow in May or early June.
Now, it's nearly May. And we're two approvals behind. No log-in date or LOA. I've seen families who were DTC a month after us already receive LOA. Our social worker and Chinese liaison have been going to bat for us, but they have been unsuccessful in finding out what the holdup is or what can be done. My agency is flabbergasted. And so are we. We don't know if our paperwork is lost, was misfiled, is stuck with a worker who doesn't care, or what. I've been doing okay until the last few days. I am now at the point where I feel panicky and helpless. In fact, yesterday, I felt like I was having a panic attack because my heart was racing, my chest felt tight, and I felt sick to my stomach.
Caroline has known since October that she is being adopted. (This is actually very abnormal for a child to find out so early.) I wonder how many times she has wondered where we are and why we haven't shown up yet to bring her home. I wonder how many nights she has laid awake being nervous about the changes ahead.
Even the kids are getting anxious...
This morning, Carter asked me, "When are we going to China to get our big sister, Mommy?" He had actually even gotten out a suitcase a few days ago to begin packing.
This morning, Carter asked me, "When are we going to China to get our big sister, Mommy?" He had actually even gotten out a suitcase a few days ago to begin packing.
And last night, the kids' Aunt JuJu was on the way over to babysit. When I asked if they knew who was coming to see them, Grace exclaimed, "Caroline LiYun!!!"
Will you please pray for us and for our agency to receive some answers soon? A few other families are in a similar boat with an abnormally long wait, but their paperwork was finally located. Pray that whoever finds our paperwork will have mercy on us and expedite our approvals. There's a chance our other approvals could be expedited, so travel could still take place in late June (but that's pushing it) or July. But it could seriously be August or September. I never would have believed it might take an entire year!!
Please pray for Caroline that she has peace as she waits. Pray that it won't be too late for Caroline to have treatments once she gets home. (Her SN is time-sensitive as it relates to her bones fusing as her body matures.)
And pray for this momma to have peace, comfort, and patience. I can tell myself that God's timing is perfect. But when you're on this side of it, and delays cause numerous problems, it's hard to remain calm.
As we approach Easter, we're praying for a miracle. We know that Jesus sits at the right hand of God the Father, continually interceding on our behalf. (Interceding on behalf of all who believe in Him.) And we long to see a resolution that's as shocking as our wait so we can give God all the glory.
I'll keep you posted as we await feedback from more inquiries to the CCA*. In the meantime, here are a few pictures of the care package we sent to Caroline a few weeks ago. In our letter, we explained why we haven't been able to travel to her yet. We hope she is enjoying the goodies and already feeling special and loved.

Shirts from Old Navy (I had to totally guess on size)


A craft to do with her foster sibling
We also included hard candies, gel pens, a candle and lotion for the foster mother, a photo album with new photos, pictures drawn by Carter and Grace, and more. We also included a sweet letter, pics, and a few tokens from my cousin's 11-year-old daughter, Mary Katherine, who is so eager to meet her new family member!
I just wanted to say, I completely understand your frustration. Our process proved to be extremely frustrating as well. Sort of a long, sad story, but in the end, our time came and we have our beautiful daughter home. I still look at her in amazement that she is here with us! I remember feeling like the time would never come. Hang in there and stay true to your faith. It is the only thing that got me through the "trying" times. :)
Wow, I hear ya. We're having the same kind of day. Started a blog, made my vent today:
I will pray for you and Caroline.
I am praying that you will receive good news soon about Caroline. She is so beautiful! Maybe we'll both get LOA at the same time and we'll meet up in China with our 2 twelve year old daughters!
Lisa Jordan (from RQ)
I will be praying!!!
Praying for Caroline and for you all to be able to bring her to her home, soon.
Praying for your family and sweet Caroline!
I'm absolutely praying for Caroline and all of you. I also wanted to pass this along because you are so much more connected than I am:
I can't stop thinking about that little girl! Praying for a miracle for her too.
I'll be praying for precious Caroline..and for y'all as you wait...I can't imagine how hard that must be!!! Praying it happens quickly!!!
Bless all your hearts! I can't imagine how frustrating this must be!
But we know that everything on this earth has to come under the authority of our God - so I am praying that this situation will fall under His authority and His will (which we know is to "place the lonely in families" and "care for the orphan") May He expedite this process and unite you with Caroline ASAP! May He guard your hearts with peace that passes understanding while you wait... may He supernaturally bond you with Caroline (even when you are apart) and reassure her that YOU ARE COMING! Can't wait to rejoice with you when she is home in your arms!
Oh, Kelley, my heart aches for you. I know all too well about the hold ups and the waiting game. We should have been DTC in February, but it took us 3 months to get my hubby's physical released. Our agency had to ask for an extension even. Now, after almost 7 months, our dossier should be leave for China this Wednesday or THursday. We have had hurdle after hurdle with this adoption. I just want to hop on a plane and bring my girl home.
Praying you will hear only good news soon.
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