We checked into the White Swan Hotel around 9:30 pm. We were very pleasantly surprised. People had warned us how old it is, but it is much fancier (albeit outdated) than our hotel in Kunming. The lobby is huge, and it reminds me of the Opryland Hotel (ie. plants, waterfalls, ponds with fish, shops, etc.)
Our room has a river view (we're on Shamian Island within GZ), and we love all the city lights and boats. This picture caught my reflection because I didn't have the lights off, so I'll take another one tonight.
Guangzhou is much more commercial than Kunming, so it's got a totally different feel. It was also crazy to walk into the breakfast room and see tons of American adoptive families!
Because Grace slept on the plane, she was wired! While we thought she might be nervous in a new hotel room, she actually loved exploring it all.

The crib (which she's not even sleeping in) is an old wooden one with beads, so she loves to get in just to play.
She was very loud and rambunctious last night, even up until 1 am. We could not get her to sleep to save our lives, so I finally had to put her in the carrier and walk the halls until she fell asleep. I think I was able to get us into our bed around 2 a.m.
Our room has a river view (we're on Shamian Island within GZ), and we love all the city lights and boats. This picture caught my reflection because I didn't have the lights off, so I'll take another one tonight.

Because Grace slept on the plane, she was wired! While we thought she might be nervous in a new hotel room, she actually loved exploring it all.

Virginia Grace had her medical exam this morning ...

...and due to a US law (that many of us are working to repeal), she had to receive FIVE shots. While parents can choose in the US whether their child will receive certain vaccinations, all kids coming in are required to receive all shots, all at once. Thankfully, Grace had already had a few of them at the orphanage. But it's so pitiful to watch them scream and cry... no child should receive that many vaccinations at once. My eyes filled with tears as Scott had to hold her down while the nurses administered the shots. We're praying she won't develop a fever or serious reaction as some kids have since this law went into effect.

This picture is after all the exams and shots...
... you can see how sweaty and tearful Grace still was after the whole ordeal. Oh, and the doctor said the spots on her legs, arms, and back are from a past occurrence of chicken pox or similar infection. I guess we won't know until we get her home and see Dr. Chambers at the International Adoption Clinic. They did say the spots should fade.

Since we've been traveling and then doing medical exams and more paperwork (for the Consulate appt), I haven't been able to take many pictures. I'll get busy with the camera and have some cute ones for you tomorrow. :)
Until then, I'll leave you with some cute Grace-isms:
1. She LOVES to play with her daddy. She runs up and sticks her head between his knees, and she often pulls his hand toward her to kiss it. She let him hold her briefly a few times last night!
2. She is a deep sleeper. We had to wake her up this morning at 8:45 am. And we've had to wake her up from every nap.
3. She seems very smart and mimics everything we do. She saw me put some hair balm in my hair last week, so she pretends to squeeze out the product and then rubs her hands all over her head.
4. She loves to play peek-a-boo and says something like "Dai!!!" - the Chinese expression for the game.
5. She is finally taking a bottle!!!!
6. She is a very clean eater. She even tries to feed herself and does a pretty good job. If there is a piece of rice on her lip, she'll pick if off and hand it to me.
7. She's very opinionated. Some mornings, she has vetoed the outfit I wanted her to wear. :) (I think one was because the elastic on the legs hit midcalf.)
8. She babbles, talks, squeals, and makes funny noises with her mouth ALL the time now. I had to ask our guide for the Chinese word for "SHH...be quiet."
9. She is a tough cookie. She has bumped her head hard a few times now, and she doesn't even cry. When something upsets her, she rebounds within minutes.
10. She will not keep bows in her hair...I'm trying really hard!
Oh how I am dreading the medical appointment. I'm sorry she had to get so many shots. You are right, it's not fair for our kids to have to go through that. I am praying our Kate has had some of them like your Grace.
Kelly, what a journey! Thanks for sharing so much of it with everyone- love you all and praying for a smooth transition home. AB
Thank you for continuing to share your story. Jason and I pray for you constantly, and I think of Grace countless times each day. Your experience is an inspiration to me; it has touched my heart in a way words cannot express. Thank you, God, for this beautiful family. To Him be all the glory!!!
In Him,
*I am so excited to hear she is warming up to Scott; what a blessing.
I'm so sorry about the shots...that was the worst part of the whole trip for us. Isaac had 8 shots - he screamed like never before. It was horrendous.
So glad Virginia Grace is doing well - she is SO ADORABLE!
Kelley - I am a good friend of Darby and she shared your blog with us just this morning - needless to day, I've gotten nothing else done cause I can't stop reading!!!! We adopted our daughter from Hubai 11/08 and are waiting on our LOA for our sweet Norah from Guangdong. WE CANNOT WAIT!!! Seeing your journey is awesome and brings so much joy and hope to me as I eagerley (sp?) wait!! Your daughter is beautiful and I've seen so much change in the few days you've had her in your arms!!! Congratulations!!!
Doubtful you have time today, but wanted to share our journey with you guys - www.nateslittlesister.blogspot.com
God is faithful and we are so thankful to be right behind you guys and hopeful to travel this summer.
Hang in there - you'll be home very soon (away from all the staring, that was the hardest for me as well our first trip). It's an opportunity to be Jesus to some who may never see Him otherwise.....stay strong.....
Much love from Kentucky
Bless her precious heart getting those shots! One step closer to home.
Keep those precious Grace pics comin'! :)
Sorry to hear you have had a rough go, but I am praying for ease with the shots (no fever, etc)....she sounds just like Lucy (a little spitfire!)! We wouldn't have her any other way! Praying for peace for you and Scott and that you all will continue to bond! Love, Jennifer
She is so precious and I love reading all of the posts! I've made Charles read them too so he can prepare for what's ahead :) Can't wait to talk to you both once you all get settled.
Praying for you every step of the way.
That medical appt was crazy. Because we were a nonHague case, we didn't need the shots. But, I felt so sad for those who did. Enjoy your free time at the White Swan and surrounding area. I know it's crazy with the construction, but we still enjoyed walking around and seeing the sites. If you want to do some trinket shopping, go to the front desk and ask for the taxi card (with a map on one side). Ask them to get a cab for you to OneLink Plaza. It's 8 floors of oodles of stuff for cheap. We got a bunch of gifts for our kids and family there.
Kelly (just home 8 days now)
Just wanted to let you know the falling down and not crying - is because her needs were prob not met - ie she fell -no one cared - so at first pat her - "kiss it" mkae over when she gets "hurt" - it teachs her that again - her needs are being met by only her parents (not others in the family - only the 2 of you) to start with...later can you move more towards- "your fine -go play attitude" Looks like you guys are doing great - Congrats !!! we came home in 2005 - K was 14 mths at the time - Grace (my daughters middle name..) is adorable and reminds me of my daughter at this age...happy trails to you and your family.
Carol in FL
Kelley, I bet you are exhausted! So glad y'all made it safely though and can't wait for you to bring that precious girl back here!!!! love you!
Wonderful update, but that is HORRIBLE about the shots! If there is ever any sort of petition we can sign or any way we can help get that law repealed please let me know! No baby should have to go through that all at once, and I can't imagine the shock to their bodies from all those medicines all at once! Praying that law gets changed ASAP!!!
Love hearing about this whole process! You are GREAT at these updates - makes me feel like we're there! :)
I am really enjoying reading all of your posts about Grace and her first steps in bonding! The parts about her throwing tantrums about food, etc. sound exactly like what I have been reading from other's experiences. It sounds like she is really attaching to you and starting to be more open to Scott! She is beautiful and I can see, full of personality!
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