... and beautiful artwork and unique written languages ...
Some have statues of legendary village heroes...

And the Yi group? They have liquor barrels.
Yes, you read that right. Our guide informed us that the Yis are big drinkers. When you visit their actual village, they give you a bowl of liquor to drink as their welcome. In fact, when we went inside this building...
... a group of Yi men sitting around a table offered me a shot of whiskey. SERIOUSLY. As each village had workers that are truly of that particular minority group, I asked Helen if the men in the Yi building were really getting paid to take shots. Apparently, they are.

And the Yi group? They have liquor barrels.

So if you're wondering what I'm going to tell Grace about her Chinese ethnic heritage, I will highlight the tidbit I saw on this sign...

...that the Yis are good at singing and dancing. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Oh, and another redeeming characteristic...they love the tiger. War Eagle!
One amazing relic of her Yi heritage that we do have is a 180-year-old headpiece that was hand-embroidered for babies to wear for sun protection.

We bought it at the Boyitang National Art Museum, and I guess we'll hang on Grace's wall in her bedroom. We also bought her a little Yi doll dressed in Yi's traditional dress.

and this...
While the screaming fits are not fun to deal with, they mean that Grace is becoming much more comfortable around us. And that's a good thing. The hard part about parenting an adopted child is that you have to go against almost every instinct you have or parenting advice you've learned. For instance, Grace will throw an absolute fit if I try to take away the yogurt melts. But since you are supposed to simply meet their needs, including hunger or hoarding tendencies, for the first two weeks or longer, you just have to give them what they want. I feel like we're spoiling her, but it's most important for Grace to learn that she can trust us. This is something most kids learn as infants. When they cry, they're fed, held, or changed. Orphans miss out on this brain-building lesson, so we have to start over with them. Discipline and training comes later. But, boy, it's hard!

It's almost 11 pm Thursday night, and Grace has been asleep for a couple of hours. We're praying for no night terrors! We pick up her passport tomorrow and fly out to Guangzhou. We're hoping the transition to a new hotel won't set Grace back in her progress. Remember how I mentioned that she couldn't sit down or get up from a crawling position? Well, sometimes grief can cause motor skills to regress. Over the last few days, Grace has regained these abilities!
And one last update...Carter seems to be doing well. He was really missing us this morning, and he doesn't like to say bye when we have to get of Skype (he says, "NO goodbye!!!"), but he is having fun with my mom, my grandmother, my sister, and other family members. He has even learned to play the harmonica! If he only sees us in the video window, he immediately becomes concerned and asks to see Grace. We're thrilled he seems to already care so much for her! But it's so hard to think that we still have another whole week before we see our sweet son again. I pray the time moves quickly, for all of our sakes.
Sending love and thanks to all of you for keeping us going....
Your strength is beautiful Kelley. Praying for an uneventful and quick trip, and easy time at the passport offices. Lots of love!
My two favorite photos...the first one of you with the parasol...and Grace kissing her Daddy! It sounds like everything is going well and as it should. I can't wait to check each day for the update.
Oh, and War Eagle, Girl!!
LOVING your updates! We're so glad that you and Scott are well on the way to bringing your Amazing Grace home.
we plan to travel this summer to get our daughter only slightly older than grace. you seem to be very well read on attachment and other such issues. can you recommend the books that you are finding most helpful.
thank you!!!
(found your blog on RQ)
you sound like you are doing such a great job with her!!! glad to hear Carter is doing well too! thinking of you all and praying!
Hilarious about her village! Takes after her mama with her dancing though - that's exciting!
Sorry you've had a few rough nights and it's a good thing you spent time getting those biceps buff before you left, huh?
Praying that your night, the travel and new hotel goes well and that she just continues to feel at ease with her forever parents. You just go on and spoil that girl rotten! xo, miss you!
I am addicted to reading your updates and finding out about how Grace is doing! She is absolutely beautiful! I hope the night and traveling goes well!
Loved playing peek-a-boo with Grace on skype...so fun to see her running all over the room! I know Carter can't wait to show off his harmonica-playing skills to his new sister. :) Love ya'll!
Kelley, My heart is just overwhelmed for you and Scott. I can't believe this beautiful baby girl is your daughter. She's so precious. Your cup must be overflowing. Praying for the Lord's protection and favor! Much love, Amy
Okay, so i have to share this with you...Chris and I have been worried about our own little peanut, Wells, because he is 20 months and still only 21 pounds!! He hasn't gained in a year! So we are already pre-arranging the future of Grace and Wells! Chris and I are all about it!! :) Much love from our little peanut to yours! Love ya'll and love the stories and pics. Dana and Chris
Oh I LOVE your updates! Thanks for sharing allll the details and pictures! Lets see if I can remember all the comments I wanted to make:
1- That parasol is BEAUTIFUL! What a great keepsake!
2- So is the head covering... I love to bring home things like that from other countries (with real meaning). I'm sure she will treasure it when she's older!
3- The picture of her kissing Scott is TOO precious!
4- YAY! She's a TIGER baby!
5- I think she gets prettier every day...precious, precious, precious!
We continue to pray for you guys and for sweet Carter! Keep the updates coming, they are wonderful! Love you guys!
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