Yesterday, our guide took our group to the LIWAN plaza to shop. The area of the city reminded me of Times Square in NYC.

This morning, Rebecca took us to see the Botanical Gardens. I basically sat on the park bench rather than exploring, but it was still a pretty area to see. Grace especially loved the water fountains. It has been foggy and rainy every day that we've been in Guangzhou, so it was fun to pose in front of these photo areas that show the gardens on a beautiful sunny day.

You'll notice that Grace is crying in all pics of the 3 of us. She has become very possessive/protective and does not like anyone else other than me or Scott holding our camera! :) She also does not like Scott to hug, kiss, or touch me in any way. If he puts his hand on my shoulder, she pushes it away. I don't have any snapshots of just Grace and Scott because she won't leave my side. But we were able to get her to fall asleep in Scott's arms (after she cried herself to sleep). We're making progress day by day.

Grace continues to make us laugh with her bright smile and contagious giggle. We adore her. The hardest part of the transition has been getting her to sleep for naps and bedtime. I have to walk her up and down the halls with her sitting in the carrier. Sometimes it takes many laps to get her asleep, and my back will be killing me. I then have to quietly enter our room and lay down with her on top of me. This isn't always done successfully. Once I lay with her for awhile, I can usually slide her to one side and get up. This process usually takes 1-2 hours, meaning that I don't have much time for anything else before I crash myself.
It's crazy to think that today marks one week since we first held our little girl in our arms. We feel like we know her so well already. When I look back at pictures from last Monday, I can now see such improvement in Grace's eyes and expressions. She really was experiencing grief and shock, and I can see that more clearly as I've compared pictures from then and now.

She rarely ever stays still now, so I've had a hard time capturing as many pictures as I did last week. But here are a'll notice that everything is a phone. :) And she sounds like she's having full conversations when she makes her calls. We believe she has a pretty good vocabulary, but she never talks enough in front of Chinese-speaking people for us to get a translation.
We're so ready to come home. Just a few more days. If I think too much about missing Carter, the tears start falling. I'm a little overwhelmed at the transitions ahead of us, as the first two weeks at home are often the hardest for adopted children. Throw in jet lag and a completely flipped schedule, and I know we'll all be zombies. But God has carried us this far, and I know we have so many friends, family, and blog readers praying for us and supporting us. Thank you!!

Okay, time to start making laps in the hall. :) We'd love prayers for a restful night of sleep and for my body to return to normal.
Glad to hear Grace is feeling better...hope you are not far behind her! She is such a cutie. Wish we lived closer so we could get our girls together...they sound so similar!
Praying for strength, comfort and many sweet memories for the days ahead...Jennifer
Get some sleep Kel! I agree that it seems crazy that you've only had her for a week! Love that little outfit and that she's possessive of your camera, of all things! So glad that she is bonding with you so well. We all miss you terribly here and can't wait until you come home. Praying that all your appointments/meetings go smoothly this week and you feel much better when you wake up today. xoxo!
You should be feeling better soon. We did the coke and crackers thing for a day after we were sick and then we were good to go after that. Keep in mind that the kids transition to the time difference much better than we do. Lydia was fully transitioned and sleeping great in only a couple days. Looking forward to those full family pictures!
Oh, Kelley, I am so sorry that you are not feeling well, but I am glad that Grace is better. :)
I love your little blue outfit, I always love the color blue on little girls...who knows why?! BUt I do!
I will pray for your heart as I know you MISS Carter so much...hopefully it won't be long until you are all together again! Also, I pray that your transition goes well and easier than expected.
I'm so glad that Grace is feeling better. I hate that you are stil feeling bad, though! I love hearing about Grace's little personality, sounds like she is all girl!! I can't wait for Caroline to meet her, she's going to love her! Miss you all and praying for your health and safe return.
Prayers for you tonight (even though tonight for you has turned into morning!). I am so proud of you and how YOU have adapted so well to being a mommy to your daughter. I bet it is easy to forget about yourself and how YOU are doing as you concern yourself with Grace's transition day in and out. But you seem to be doing a fabulous job and I am proud of you.
I know you cannot wait to get home to Carter - it will be wonderful to watch you all as you transition into a full-fledged family of 4. God has been so faithful to you all thus far; I know He will continue to carry you when you need Him the most. And I will remain steadfast with everyone else in praying for that.
Love, Katie
Praying for you all! I love the picture where you are laying by her and she has her arm around your neck. That is precious!!!!
Praying that God will give you supernatural energy to keep going, Kelley! & I love Grace's little outfits - she's just precious!!!!
You can continue to count on our prayers from Hong Kong!
As you know, HE provides!
Love & Blessings,
definitely praying for y'all as I sit here at work. I know we don't know each other, but I feel as though we'd be great friends! My friend Anna Uzzell showed me your blog. I think she's good friends with your friend Joy.
That little dress is beautiful! And the picture of you sleeping with her arm around your neck is just too too precious!!! Hope you are back to 110% asap! Love and prayers!
We were at those gardens... gorgeous wasn't they... I loved to smell the roses... so gorgeous... what a gorgeous daughter... such a happy little sweetheart...
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