When caretakers bring children from the Kunming orphanage to meet their parents, they typically put them in new outfits and new shoes. Appearance is a big deal to the director. I could picture a nanny placing the white and purple sandals on Grace's feet that Monday morning as they prepared to take her away, once again, from familiar surroundings. To Grace, new shoes might represent another uprooting. Another abandonment. I know she generally loves shoes because she brings pairs to me throughout the day for her to switch out on her feet. It's something about new shoes she's never seen before being placed on her feet that terrifies her. In reality, there may be no mental connection at all. But I can't help but wonder if she thought I was getting her ready to leave us.
Another situation I've pondered is the meaning of Grace's burpcloth-sucking as a soothing behavior. The second day we were home, I was feeding Grace her bottle. As I laid her down in the bed, she began to cry. She pulled the burpcloth out of my hands and shoved a corner of it into her mouth. The sobbing subsided, and she sucked on it for most of her nap. Since then, if she's crying hard, I can hand her the burpcloth to soothe her. She'll turn it around until she finds a piece that suits her and goes to town on it. I tried giving her a paci instead because I feared she'd somehow gag on too much material, but she clearly prefers the burpcloth. If I had been attuned to this habit in China, we may have had less tears and more restful sleep. I don't know whether she had a favorite blanket in her foster home that she sucked on. Maybe she first picked up this habit after the tumor-removal surgery on her tongue...perhaps they put gauze in her mouth and this somehow soothed her. I guess we'll never know. But I will have extra clean burpcloths on hand for awhile.
Each night as I look into Grace's eyes at bedtime, I whisper to her in Chinese that I love her. I still get the sweet reaction that I got a few nights ago. She clearly understands me and has heard it before. Did her foster mom tell her she loved her? Did Grace hear the parents tell their own kids that they loved them and has been waiting to hear it herself? She seems so giddy to be loved, as if she's been waiting for someone to cherish her. She makes it easy to love her, that's for sure.
Every day, I wonder about little details of her live in China that we'll most likely never come to know. Sixteen months of my daughter's life is pretty much a mystery. One day she'll have questions for me, and I'm not sure how I'll answer. Kunming did allow a Heritage Trip last summer where families could visit the foster village, and some kids even had the opportunity to meet their foster parents. This was a huge step of progress considering how locked-down the orphanage is on any information or contact. How amazing it would be to meet the family who cared for our little girl for almost a year. In the meantime, I guess I just have to trust God that He will guide us through the questions Grace has for us and help her to see His hand during that time of her life rather than the missing parts in her story.

Each night as I look into Grace's eyes at bedtime, I whisper to her in Chinese that I love her. I still get the sweet reaction that I got a few nights ago. She clearly understands me and has heard it before. Did her foster mom tell her she loved her? Did Grace hear the parents tell their own kids that they loved them and has been waiting to hear it herself? She seems so giddy to be loved, as if she's been waiting for someone to cherish her. She makes it easy to love her, that's for sure.
Every day, I wonder about little details of her live in China that we'll most likely never come to know. Sixteen months of my daughter's life is pretty much a mystery. One day she'll have questions for me, and I'm not sure how I'll answer. Kunming did allow a Heritage Trip last summer where families could visit the foster village, and some kids even had the opportunity to meet their foster parents. This was a huge step of progress considering how locked-down the orphanage is on any information or contact. How amazing it would be to meet the family who cared for our little girl for almost a year. In the meantime, I guess I just have to trust God that He will guide us through the questions Grace has for us and help her to see His hand during that time of her life rather than the missing parts in her story.

Such beautiful pictures. I am sure that is so hard to not know. I will be praying that the Lord gives you peace and understanding in these areas. I am just so excited she has a loving family now, FOREVER!! What a blessing you are to her and she is to you!
Your story continues to touch me each and every day. What a lucky little girl to have such a loving home now. She is beautiful and the picture of Carter feeding her is priceless. PRECIOUS FAMILY...Contratulations.
That is so upsetting about the shoe shopping. I'm sorry Grace has such bad memories about getting new shoes. Very perceptive of you to think of all they could represent. Also, Andrew (who is only a month older than Grace) sucks on his blankets too. Never cared that much about a pacifier after a certain point.
Such cute pictures of your kids! Hope we can all play together one day soon.
Love today's post! Carter and Grace look like they have been together their whole lives, what a blessing. Your thoughts are genuine and understandable. It's difficult to imagine how their life 'pre-adoption' has formed who they are. One thing is certain, God predestined Grace, You, Scott, and Carter to be one family. LOL, Gin
I am amazed that you were able to make that connection about the shoes. What a great mom you are!
Great pictures and beautiful post. I can completely identify. My big question right now is if our daughter's birthparents ever got to see her dimples. We'll never know. I sure hope they did.
Kelley - what sweet words....you are a gifted writer and a loving momma. The shoe incident - we went through the exact same thing, crying so hard it scared us. I think anything that has to "tie them down" (measuring for new shoes, putting them on, drs. visits) is traumatizing to them. Naomi also sucks on a burp cloth or blanket (still, 18 months later). It is the most soothing thing to her.
Grace is blessed. She is loved. She WAS adopted and now starts the journey with her forever family. Praise God for redemption and new beginnings. God will grant you the words to say and Grace the ability to hear them when the time comes for those hard questions - that is what we hold onto for our own adopted children. Those days will come and the questions will rise, but God will be faithful in that moment, just as He has been faithful in bringing Grace into your arms.
Enjoy your weekend!! it's Derby time around here this weekend!! :)
I am so glad you wrote about the shoe shopping. The exact same thing happened when I took Olivia for new shoes. I had no idea why. She came to me in brand new shoes so your thoughts make sense. There may be several more incidents like this over the next several months..even years. Just last week, when I fixed some different Chinese food, Olivia said "Po Po fixed this for me in China."
My computer has been broken for the past couple of weeks so I haven't been able to comment...but I have been reading! So glad you are home.
Kelley! I just sat at the computer and read all the details for the past hour!! Many times with tears in my eyes. She is so, so beautiful! I have prayed for you as you've come to mind but I have been away from my computer for the last several weeks. It was so special to catch up and have such wonderful visual images. And Carter's reception of her is priceless. And her little Chinese friend--precious! The Lord has truly gone before her! I LOVED the Isaiah verse!! I am so thrilled for you is an understatement. She is so blessed to have such a loving family. Many congrats and much celebration across the miles. Love, Christin
Kelley, what insightful thoughts you have regarding the shoes and the burp cloth soothing. I echo the comments above--what a wonderful mother you are to little Grace! She is so blessed to be with you all. Despite missing the first 16 mos. of her life, you are creating the most loving, spirit-filled every month after. Those are the ones that count!! Blessings!
I bet you are right on the shoes. One little one I knew would cry and scream with photos being taken because the only time he had photos taken was when he was getting file ready for adoption. Interesting...
the burp cloth sucking? totally NORMAL for Kunming kids (Katie didn't though). They give them a washcloth or something to hold on to and suck because something about paci doesn't work for them (too expensive maybe?). So many of the kids suck on blankets and such.
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