After the temple, Helen took us to a tea house called Dr. Tea. Tea is very popular in China, and the Yunnan province makes four different teas. One particular tea, the Puerh Tea, is famous around China and neighboring countries. And the older it is, the more valuable and costly the tea is - similar to the aging of wine. We tasted Jasmine & Green tea, Black Tea, Puerh Tea, and Oohlang (sp?) Tea. Each kind has special health benefits.

weather here) and the Flower City. The Cherry Blossom is one of the flowers
in bloom right now, and the city flower is the camellia.
You might be wondering why we're already here in Kunming when we won't meet our daughter until Monday. Our agency likes us to plan to arrive in the province by Saturday. If there's a delay, we'd still be here by Monday. And it also gives families a couple of nights to get over jet lag. It was much cheaper for us to get to Hong Kong on Thursday than on Friday, so that's why we left a day early and spent a night in Hong Kong before flying to Kunming.
My college friend, Joy, flew in today to spend the weekend with us. She and her family have been over here in China for a year.

We walked over the Green Lake Park, which is across from our hotel. There were tons of people walking around, stands filled with food and toys, and men and women singing or dancing for crowds. Very much like a festival atmosphere. We loved the trees and the lake, and I know we'll enjoy taking Grace over here in the afternoons to get some fresh air. The weather is beautiful!

I am pretty sure I'm going to be a crazy wreck tomorrow. My heart is already beating pretty fast all the time. I am so glad Joy is here to distract me or else I think the day would just creep by. Less than 48 hours until we see our baby girl! If only we could hold Carter in 48 hours too.
Kelley... Sounds like y'all are having a wonderful time! I will pray that the time will pass very quickly before you have sweet Grace in your arms!! I can't wait to hear!!
I cannot wait till you get Grace either! I am so excited for you and praying that the transition will be so smooth and such a God thing! Can't wait to see pictures of Gotcha Day!
Praying!!! Jennifer
Kelley, I wondered what you would think and write about the Chinese temples, and now I know. I am so thankful that Grace will be taught about Jesus by her parents. I pray that she will come to know him at a very young age.
It sounds INCREDIBLE and so beautiful! Thanks for sharing all the details! And I totally understand the 'spiritual oppression' feeling you talked about... I felt the same thing in India. Prayer is definitely important in places like that!
We just got home from Guangzhou with our baby girl last night! I'm excited to follow your blog now and see your first moments with your child--it's so amazing!
Kelly Raudenbush
Continuing to keep you all in our thoughts and prayers!! Many, many blessings! May tomorrow pass at lightning speed...
Your feelings about visiting the temples aren't wacky at all. I remember feeling the same way when we first moved to Hong Kong. Since then we have visited temples in Hong Kong, China, and Thailand. As I have witnessed our kids ask question about the customs and practices of other religions who worship false gods, I have seen their beliefs as Christians grow stronger and deeper as our One True God becomes more REAL!
What a blessing for Grace to have parents who will be able to teach her about Chinese culture and JESUS!
The photos are beautiful and it looks like you and Scott are having a wonderful time. I cannot wait to see Grace in your arms!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
Can't wait to see Grace!!! Make sure someone gets a picture of you (if you can) seeing Grace for the first time!!! :) Glad you are updating from China! Excited for you and Scott! Can't wait to meet her! Praying for ya'll!
Isn't this blog thing wonderful...you will be able to remember so much of your trip and Grace will get to really see your heart and love for her even before you meet her! Love reading about your journey and praying for safety for all of y'all.
Y'all are so close to holding Grace in your arms! I'm going to be thinking about you all day! I'm sure you are just beside yourself with all kinds of emotions! I can't wait to see her little face next to yours! Love you guys and praying things go so smoothly!!
By the way, I have tried to find you on skype and can't. If you happen to want to skype at some point look me up as scarden1.
Kelley - I experienced the same spiritual oppression feeling when babysitting at a home where the family was Muslim. It is the strangest feeling I have ever had and remembering pray just like you did. I'm glad you guys experienced the temple though so you will be able to teach Grace about her heritage and our True Living God.
That's the SAME temple we went to! :) The same Tea place too...glad to know the names. :)
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