It's Tuesday afternoon in China, and Grace is taking a nap. We're still amazed at her transition. But as she has become more comfortable with us today and shown more of her personality, we can now see that she was somewhat withdrawn yesterday. She would engage herself in nesting the stacking cups as a coping mechanism ... she could focus on an activity and not interact with the real world. Thankfully, she is really letting her guard down and has been laughing, babbling, and playing most of the day.

She slept through the night, and I thought she might begin crying when she woke up. After all, I am still a stranger to her. But she smiled at me and nestled closer. She did cry for a few minutes last night, and I think that helped her to release some of her pent-up grief. She wouldn't take a bottle all yesterday or this morning, and this worried us because she wasn't really getting any liquids. But our guide took us to WalMart this morning and helped us pick out a Chinese formula that she was accustomed to. She drank most of her bottle right before her nap, and boy was I relieved.

I just realized that you might wonder why a 16-month-old would still be taking a bottle. Well, in this culture, babies take bottles way beyond the age they would in the US. Also, bottle-feeding is a good way to bond with your child, as you are holding them and making eye contact during the process. This nurtures them in a way they completely missed as infants.

I have to say that it's been interesting walking around Kunming with a Chinese baby. We pretty much get one of two reactions: they smile at us ... or they make it clear they don't approve of an American couple adopting a Chinese orphan. I wish I could tell them that, if they really have a problem with it, they should rise up and take control of the orphan situation in China. If you are wondering the current and predicted effects of China's one-child policy, and the degradation of girls as well, click
here to read a recent article. It actually features the city of Kunming.

I've also noticed people watching me as I fed Virginia Grace at mealtimes. It was like they don't approve of what or how I was feeding her. They pretty much give toddlers stage 1 baby food ... not much solid food at all. But as long as my daughter is enjoying the food and eating well, I'll feed her what I think is best. And for goodness sake, I'm still feeding her Chinese food ... congee, rice, steamed eggs, pureed fruit, etc.

If we're not placed under a microscope for international adoption or feeding methods, it's for Grace's lack of clothing. As I previously mentioned, Chinese dress their children in layers upon layers. It's in the mid-80s today, and children are dressed in fleece sweatshirts, jackets and full jumpsuits. They look like they're bundled up for snow! Our guide tried to pull down Grace's capri leggings to cover her entire leg. ;o) So, if you notice that Grace's clothes don't quite match, it's because we had to throw on a jacket or sweater whether it coordinated or not.

With all this said, we have found the Chinese people to be very helpful and gracious. They are very flattered when we try to communicate in their language, and they love practicing English.
Here are a few other notes from last night and today:
- Our first Skype with Carter and Grace went better than I could have dreamed. We were nervous that Carter might cry when he saw another baby in our laps. Instead, he said, "Hi GRACE!!!" And then patting himself, he said, "I CarCar!!" (his name for himself). It was precious! He smiled as I showed him how Grace giggles when lift high in the air. And he brought some of his toys to the camera to show his little sister. We can't wait to watch Carter and Grace interact in person!

- I still can't figure out exactly what size clothes Grace is in. She wore 12 month Carter brand pjs last night, and the feet were almost tight, the torso just gaping. Today, she is wearing a 9-month dress (though the line runs big), and the bloomers that came with them just fell off her. I put her on the scale here, and she weighed about 18 or 19 pounds. It was hard to tell with this kind of scale, and she also had her clothes on. She's much tinier than I originally guessed when I first saw her yesterday.
- Grace's first Chinese word that we recognized was gege (guh-guh), which means older brother. She would point to Carter's picture in her photo album and say "gege." So cute! I know she'll love him!
- All yesterday, Grace would tense up if Scott touched her. We think she much have had a bad experience with men. But he gradually won her trust, and as they played with the beach ball today, he got her smiling and laughing like crazy. It was so sweet to see!

- While Grace seems very intelligent and will mimic words and actions, her motor skills seem slightly behind. I don't think she ever learned to crawl. If she gets on all fours on the bed, she can't move around well. And she cannot figure out how to get back into a sitting position. She will walk, but only if we're holding her hands. She did take a few steps on her own this morning, but that's rare. She also doesn't know how to get down from a chair or the bed. If she's standing, she doesn't know how to sit on the ground.
- Her tongue seems to be a non-issue, at least so far. We caan see where part of the tongue is missing on the side from the removal of the tumor. And she does curl her tongue in a funny way at times. But it doesn't seem to hinder her eating or speaking. We're so thankful for that! We'll know more when we get home and see a speech pathologist.
- The WalMart here is nothing like at home. It's 3 stories tall, and one section features all kinds of meats and delicacies I don't care to identify, and even full legs from cows. Yes, hoofs and all. It was more the smell that got me than the products for sale. Think back to 7th grade biology class when dissecting frogs.
- Grace loves her toys, and especially Baby Stella. She loves the magnetic pacifier and bottle, and she really enjoyed "feeding" her doll. Maybe this encouraged her to take her own bottle shortly after? Regardless it's great to see her interacting with toys. Adopted children don't always do this right away. This is a good sign that she is adjusting and bonding.

Tomorrow morning, we'll be visiting the orphanage. Please pray this won't be traumatic for Virginia Grace. We don't want her to think we're bringing her back and leaving her there! We'll also be taken to her finding place (See "Found" post on sidebar). I anticipate that being a very emotional moment for us.

Your comments and emails continue to touch us. I often choke up with tears when I read them aloud to Scott. We are completely humbled by your support! Adopting has been a long-time dream of mine, even before all our miscarriages. But I never imagined God would use it in others' lives.
To God be the glory,
I got up this morning and have been checking constantly for an update! I was so excited to see you had posted!
I know I say this every time, but she is BEAUTIFUL! I love her hair down with a barrette. Very sweet. I am so glad that she is bonding so fast. What an answered prayer.
Thank you for sharing so many details. It is very intriguing how different cultures react to one another. I was most surprised at the clothing issue - mid 80's and a sweatshirt? Seems strange. But again, we are only accustomed to our way of doing things.
I love the way Carter introduced himself on Skype. Very touching. I know you are looking forward to the day when you can ALL be together!
Enjoy Miss Grace!!
Looking forward to your next post and more about that sweet little girl :)
Such a beauty!! It sounds like she is doing great! Anna was very similar in her development...couldn't go from standing to sitting and was great at she's a pro at both. Will be praying the orphanage visit goes well.
Glory be to God!
What a precious post that accurately reflects the culture (clothing, foods, and yes the smells) that we have grown to respect and appreciate. Even though we don't always understand.
Love reading all the details about Grace's transition. God is certainly in the details isn't He? Thank you for sharing this precious time with us.
I know I sound like a broken record, but Grace is BEAUTIFUL!
Lifting your precious family up in prayer from Hong Kong,
I am just a heart is so happy for you all...Carter and Grace are going to be inseparable, just wait and see. God is so faithful...He always surpasses my wildest dreams and wants...I am thankful that things have been smooth so far...praying for a memorable time as you go back to her beginnings. Jennifer
This whole thing is just beyond amazing. You have a daughter!!! What a gift. God is so kind and generous. She is simply beautiful Kelley. What a blessing that she seems to be bonding so well to you 2. Those prayers for the preparation of her heart were heard and answered. And the fact that Carter is excited and that she already identifies as a little sister is amazing to me. Your family was ordained way before this day and it is quite obvious. I am thrilled for yall and proud of you for waiting on the Lord.
I am so happy for yall! Grace is so precious. I hope the rest of the trip continues to go so well. Yall are definitely in our prayers here. I get tears everytime I read the blog!
Carrie Anderson
Grace is just so beautiful...and you can just see her precious personality coming across more and more! The best part of my day is your updates. :) I'm so glad I got to see ya'll yesterday on Skype, even just for a minute! Carter was precious--we practiced some songs for Grace while eating dinner (I think he got a little stage-fright when we actually got on the computer) and he was so excited to see ya'll!!! Love you and praying for the trip to the orphange!
She is gorgeous, Kelley! Her smile is aboslutely captivating. Enjoy this precious time. Y'all are never far from my thoughts. Praying for a meaningful time today that continues to bring you together. Hugs!
Kelley! I was anticipating a post tonight so I could see more pictures. OH MY GOODNESS.... she seems like an almost different little girl today! Even though we did see smiles and giggles yesterday some, she has already come out of that little shell!! It makes me want to fly back to you right now. It's definitely hard being so close to you guys after this weekend and not being able to see her (and ya'll) again! It makes me look forward to July when I get home!! I am really amazed Kelley. She has fallen in love with both of you. I will pray for tomorrow and look forward to talking to you, call whenever!
I just wanted to let you and Scott know that I am praying for you during this exciting, emotional, life changing time. I am SO excited that you have your beautiful little girl in your arms! I have enjoyed keeping up with your journey and wept as I read about your "skype" with Carter. I cannot imagine how it must feel to be as you described 'under the microscope' but stay strong. You are such a wonderful mother to Carter and Grace and I know it will be such a relief when you get back to the states. I will continue to pray for you all!
Love, Whitney Weldon Mosley
I love your posts! They will be so invaluable for other traveling parents! God has given you great insight as to how to deal with Grace.
I will be praying for your trip to the orphanage. We had a setback when we took Jackson back to his foster family. But it also will create a new time of bonding for you.
I just love Carter's reaction to seeing Grace. You have prepared him well!! Isn't skype amazing!!
I can't wait for your next post!
My gosh she is just GORGEOUS!!! I can't get over how beautiful she is, and what a sweet little smile she has. And her giggling in that video is just too precious!
I loved all those details, and the skype 'meeting' with Carter made me tear up. PRECIOUS! I can't believe she is already calling him 'big brother', I am just amazed at how well she is bonding. God definitely has had His hand on her and has His hand on your family at this time. It's wonderful to be able to share all this with you guys via your blog posts! It is just so exciting to see His faithfulness! :) HUGS to you all and much love!
Kelly, Grace is absolutely beautiful. She seems so vibrant and happy in your pictures! I'm so happy for you and Scott! I know this day has been a long time coming.
Just so you know, Sunday morning, I used your story about the Buddhist temple as an example when I taught Sunday school. I'm praying for you in the days ahead!
Leslie Ann
Grace is such a cutie! I'm not sure how old she is but wanted to let you know that our daugther was 23 months when we adopted her last August. She wasn't walking very well unassisted & also had no clue how to crawl. We've been home for almost 8 months & she is now ahead of her peer group for gross motor & fine motor.
I am eating up each and every word in your entries! And the pictures of Sweet Grace are just awesome! I am one of Joy's friends and saw your blog from hers. Every morning I look to see how your sweet family is doing. Your blog is absolute proof that Jesus is alive and giving us abounding miracles. Thank-you for sharing!! :)
So beautiful! I am so happy for you to have your sweet daughter in your arms. She is precious.
Many blessings,
I'm so excited to read your updates each day. Grace is so beautiful but more than that she seems to be beautiful on the inside. She is touching you and Scott and moving in the lives of so many you know. I haven't ever given thought to adoption but it is definitely something that i'm thinking about now! Prayers still coming from Jackson, MS!
She is just beautiful!!! I remember most everything smelled bad in China... it is such a different culture. But, they are so friendly.
I am SO glad that things are going as smoothly as they are. What a blessing. I'm glad last night went so well, too, and that you all were able to rest. What an answer to prayers.
Soak up your time in China...but hurry back :) Can't wait to see that little beauty.
(ps. love the ergo. don't know how i would live without mine:)
ok...maybe it's not an ergo carrier, but it sure looks like one :)
your post have been my teary moments daily. Today was when I read about Carter and Grace "talking" on skype. So sweet!
Just keep coming back to see her sweet face and the pure joy in yours - makes my day!
Just loving these pictures today! I especially liked the baby bjorn picture! Great smiles! Thanks so much for keeping us all involved in your adventure! Love to you all!
Thanks for the trip down memory lane. Your new baby is gorgeous. Both of our girls were sick when we adopted them and that added another challenge to the adjustment.
Enjoy every moment. It goes by so fast!
She is absolutely beautiful!!! I am so excited for you, Scott and Carter! I love reading about everything! Thanks for sharing this special time with us!!!
In Awe! Love the stories and pics!! We cannot wait to meet her. I noticed her little bow and blankie :-) She was right at the size you thought, how wonderful. Blessings abound. I'm sure Carter and Grace are going to have so much fun together.
Our mutual friend, Sarah, gave me the address to your blog. How wonderful to come aboard just as you are in China picking up your little sweetie! What a joy! We are currently on the waiting list for a little girl from Taiwan. I am looking forward to going back into your blog history and reading the story. Congratulations!
Kelley, we (and yes Brian too) love seeing you posts about Grace. It is such an amazing picture of God and I can't wait to have our moment one day. We are praying for you here!
Liz Terrell
Having just returned from China, I can identify with feeling like I was under the microscope. The clothing thing was a big deal--even our guide told me that Lydia's cough would not get better with the way I was dressing her. One day, I even had her wear a footed sleeper under her clothes and I STILL was criticized about not having her in enough. Good grief! My husband and I were in t-shirts!
Your pics are great and I look forward to seeing how Grace becomes more and more relaxed and more herself with you guys.
Grace is such an adorable little miss!
She is just so smiley. So glad that her transition has gone smoothly.
I'm enjoying your posts. God is so FAITHFUL to your family.
She is so precious! I love how smiley she is in all of the pictures! You and your family are in my thoughts!
Your daughter is precious. I love her little smiles.
Steven and I just got done reading the post and looking at the pictures, and we are in complete awe. As tears stream down my face, I praise and thank God for you and Scott and your precious daughter. I am so happy that everything is going well. We will continue to pray. I am honestly speechless. Like a previous post, God has surpassed my wildest dreams.
Sending my love to China,
Loving seeing your growing family and praying for you. Grace is absolutely beautiful & I know Carter will be a great big brother! Tell Scott I said "hello." By the way, Ericka Bennett Jackson is my 2nd cousin. My son Bennett is named after that side of the family, and I was surprised to see that she knew y'all!
Amy Valentine
Your story has made my week; I cannot tell you how precious she is. God is so good! I'm praying for sweet Carter and cannot wait to hear how he reacts to physically meeting her for the first time. I am also praying after the quake - praying for your safety, ease of travel home, and God's comfort for the people affected. Please update when you can.
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