This afternoon, we took the official "Red Couch" pictures with our group. It's a tradition for all adopted children to dress up in traditional Chinese attire and have their picture taken on the red couch at the White Swan Hotel. Grace LOVED her squeaky shoes. I'll give it one more day, and then I'm taking those little squeakers out of the sandals. :)

Tonight, our group had tickets for the Pearl River City Cruise. It's beautiful to see all the lights of Guangzhou. The dinner didn't offer much that looked appetizing to Americans, so our group ate lots of noodles and rice. I am already starting to feel better, though I haven't ventured back to much "real" food yet. Thank you for praying me through it.

We've loved getting to know the Wrights while we've been here. Carmen, Tim, and their 3-year-old, Liberty, are from Huntsville. Liberty has 3 big brothers waiting for her at home!

This is our hotel, the White Swan Hotel. It's been nicknamed the White Stork
because so many adopting families stay here.

After 3 separate rounds of walking the halls last night, Grace finally let me rock her to sleep (with some minor fussing) while sitting on the bed. MUCH easier on my back. I'm hoping she'll do the same tonight. Occasionally, she cries in her sleep. I can calm her down easily, but I always wonder if she's dreaming about her foster parents. Or her initial fear of being "taken" by two strangers. She has really transitioned so well, but I am not naive to think that it will be a breeze from here-on out. We have many challenges ahead of us. However, our time here in China could have been much worse. I am grateful that it has been a time we'll remember fondly.

Loving her squeaky shoes. And here she was trying them on...
she did not wear them with these pants. :)
I wanted to say a huge thank you to my friend Emily who has been blogging for me every day. While I can email the posts, it won't allow me to put pics in at different places. I email pics and copy to her every night, and she has taken time to format it and put it all up for me. Blogger, Facebook, Youtube, and various other sites are blocked in China. I can read your comments because they're emailed to me. And I can briefly glance at the posts or get on FB on my iphone, as I have an international plan right now. But I don't have enough minutes to answer messages on FB...it takes a while for everything to load. So...if you've sent me a message on FB and wondered why I haven't yet responded, it's because I can't access it on my computer, and my phone takes too long to load. I've loved all the messages, and I promise to respond as soon as I get home. :) I also can't wait to catch up with those of you who've introduced yourself to me in the last two weeks...I hate that I can't get to your blogs! :)

because so many adopting families stay here.

she did not wear them with these pants. :)

She's so cute in her traditional dress! So happy for you!
Oh ... the photos are gorgeous. I especially love the ones on the infamous red couch. Grace's Chinese silk dress is gorgeous.
I was also very touched by the shop owner giving you those two Bibles. They are SO hard to come by in China. What a generous gift!
Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better. Praying for a good night sleep after another rock to sleep!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
I love your blog. Grace's story makes me cry. You guys are in my prayers.
Kelley, Such an amazing journey! Thanks so much for allowing others to follow along. Grace has already brought much joy to so many! I love all her clothes and especially loved it that you had to point out that she did not wear the red shoes with her outfit!
Can't even stand how cute she is in her traditional dress! Love it - hope you've gotten some for her to grow in to over the years also :)
She seems like she is adjusting so well and ready for her journey home to the US and her big brother! Thinking of you on this final stretch and sending love. She and Lexi could get into some mischief together for sure!
Commenting again...just had to. First, Grace is just precious. She does look as if she is really adjusting to your family. Praise the Lord! Second, I am good friends w/ Amy Schnorrenberg - we were talking about you guys the other night - just thanking the Lord for the good time you have had w/ Grace so far! Finally, just saw that you met the Wrights! I do not know them personally, but I am very good friends w/ Carmen's aunt, Dana. I hear all about them and their journey to China. I cannot believe you are sitting there with them! I just forwarded your blog to Dana, as I am sure she would love to see their newest family member!
i have loved reading all your updates and am thankful for your friend who has put them on blogger. i am glad you are feeling better because stomach sickness is the worse; especially when not at home. also, virginia grace is absolutely gorgeous and i loved her outfit on the red couch. we are so excited for you and know that it will be a long hard road but am so thankful things have started off so well. by GOD's grace i know. enjoy your last couple days and we will pray for a safe and uneventful trip back home to the 'ham.
I realize I say this every single time I comment, but I can't get over how ADORABLE she is!! Oh my goodness, I want to squeeze her so badly! Are you going to bring her to book club? I think you should. I mean, newborns are allowed and technically she is a newborn to you. We have to meet her!!
She has the sweetest smile!
I came across your blog last week and have been so touched by your incredible journey! I have checked back daily for updated posts and pictures. Grace is so blessed to have you guys and she looks like a perfect addition to your sweet family. She is just beautiful! I am praying for your family as you adjust and begin this new chapter in your lives.
Scott and Kelley,
I just LOVE her! I'll be so glad when you're finally home!
~Katie Murphy
Kelley - it's been a busy few days around here and I am just now checking your blog- 48 hours since my last reading - and WOW Grace has really changed!!!! (for the good, of course). Her smile, her demeanor....how precious!!! LOVE the red couch photos, and the one of her looking at the water!!! Brings back so many memories of our trip!! Glad she is letting you rock her, as opposed to walking- I am sure your back is starting to feel it :) So thankful for your blog (and sweet friend who is posting for you). Glad you are feeling better as well....
Not long now and you are home. Hang in there. Enjoy and absorb all you can....
Much love
Ahhh the Pearl River... did you see the people swimming in there... errr...
I never thought I would say it but I do somewhat yearn for China again and it hasn't even been a month...
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