At least she's slept through the last two nights, so she's getting her beauty sleep.
As I watched Carter and Grace play with their daddy tonight, I realized that it seemed so completely normal to suddenly be a family of four. I had feared that I would miss our days of being just the three of us. But it's almost as if I can't clearly recall what that was like. It just seems very comfortable and right to have two kiddos running around their daddy and laughing as they anticipate being tickled. I thought to myself, God is really in this. During the crazy moments, it's easy to question what we've done and whether we've followed the Lord's direction. Then I see my son and daughter laughing together, or I feel them both hugging my neck, and I know without a doubt that God has brought us to this place.
It's been a challenging and tiring day, but I've expected that. Both kids are very needy right now, and I am holding one or both of them A LOT. But I know it will get easier. And thank you for the reminders of that. It helps to know I'm not just feeding myself a line. :)
I feel so behind in communication with everyone. Please forgive my tardiness in responding to emails, FB messages, blog comments, etc. So many of you have taken time to introduce yourself and share your experiences and inspiring words, and I am anxious to connect with you. Hopefully I can do that by the end of the week. Grace boycotted naps the last couple of days, so I'm going straight from 5:30 am until 8 pm (when I crash in bed alongside Grace). Though you haven't heard from me, please know how much I appreciate your comments and prayers.
I have lots of tidbits to blog about, so I'll work on that for tomorrow.
Sweet dreams!
Kelley, so glad things are feeling "normal." I, too, had to get stitches in my chin as a child, so I feel for Carter :)
Katie Crawford
The pictures of them together make it so evident that God's hand is all over Grace being put in your lives. :) So sweet. I am so glad that everyone is adapting well.
God Bless You All.
its so cute to see them playing together. i know its got to be hard having two toddlers at once but i bet they are loving it. how much fun can a little baby be to a toddler? but a new sister that can actually play is pretty cool. hope you get some rest when you can
The tea party looked fun. I am glad your son is doing better. Your daughter is so cute and I followed your trip to China. What a wonderful family you have. Thanks for sharing.
Best wishes,
It has been a joy to begin following along. Look how they fall right into siblinghood! I am enjoying seeing the transition and look forward to the day we bring our little girl home!
Precious! Looks like they are becoming best buds :)
Poor Carter! My son had to get stitches in the exact same place last month.
I hope you are getting adjusted to your new normal! I've enjoyed following your story!
We all know you are busy and tired - don't worry about responses, emails, etc for a while! You just take care of yourself and those beautiful kiddos ;) I can't believe how well you keep your blog updated - very impressive!!! Love you!
*note - I can't keep my blog updated that well, and we have NO kids! ha! ;)
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