This morning, we walked into Kunming's Children's Welfare Institute where our daughter spent the first six months of her life and the last four days before she became part of our family. As parents of Kunming children had previously shared, this orphanage is an eerie place. It is clean, but sterile.

At one point during the tour, we stopped in a hallway where three small babies were in papasan seats. Scott stooped down to play with a baby boy, and Grace began stomping her foot! She had a smile on her face, but it was clear she thought Scott should only be giving attention to her.
She also took my hand and walked me into a room lined with toddler beds and pointed to them. This is in fact where she slept this past weekend when she was brought back to the orphanage from the foster village.

Had we visited the orphanage a few days ago, I would have thought Grace was just being shy and quiet. But now having seen her active and bubbly personality, we could tell the visit made her confused and anxious. She was very subdued and clung to me most of the time, except for when she got down and showed me her bed. Most parents dread taking their children back to the orphanage for the tour, but it's also considered important to see where our sons and daughters have been living and to have some record of that time in their lives.
When we returned to the hotel and sat Grace on the bed, she immediately broke into a huge smile and reverted back to the lively and happy girl we've seen the last two days. It was as if she knew she was safe when we returned "home."

She has a huge appetite and makes it known when she is hungry or wants more. She learned to sign "more" today, so that was an exciting step!

She has actually been eating far too much food...this is called hoarding. And most of the adopted kids from Kunming do this for a few months because they're not used to having enough food.

While Grace seems to eat all day long, she will sometimes be picky about what she's taking in. At breakfast, she actually threw a few pieces of watermelon from her highchair tray to my plate to show she didn't want it! Our thoughts? Good arm and good aim...and she's clearly got more spunk and feistiness than she first led us to believe. :)
She's an incredibly happy baby.

I have been somewhat concerned that she hasn't grieved more. From all the adoption and attachment material we had to read, she is definitely doing above average for her adjustment. But then, she may have sobbed her little heart out last Friday through Sunday at the orphanage. Maybe we've been the first sign of love and stability since she left her foster family. (By the way, I typed this part this afternoon before her nighttime meltdown, so who knows now?)
After we left the orphanage, our guide and driver took us to Grace's finding spot. Her translated finding ad (see Found post on sidebar) describes the finding place as: "The construction/work site near the gate of subdivision No. 2 of Dong Jun Wan residential area, which is a jurisdictional area of Shu Guang Local Polic Station. "

Since we will be turning the posts of our journey into a keepsake book for Grace, I conclude with a letter to Virginia Grace...
Xiao baobei (little darling),
I want you to one day read this letter and know how much joy you've brought us, even after just a few days. We are so blessed by your smile, your laughter, and the gleam in your eyes. We never thought the day would come when we'd hold you in our arms. But you're finally with us, and you've been incredibly strong and courageous as you've joined our family.
Your Chinese name, Guan Xue Hua, was given to you by one of the nannies at the orphanage. Guan is one the districts in Kunming. Xue is translated as snow/purity, as you were born in winter. And Hua means flower or beauty. On our plane ride to China, I listened to a beautiful song that Steven Curtis Chapman wrote after he lost his own adopted daughter from China in a tragic accident. Today, as I remembered the lyrics, your name seemed so perfect. From the ashes of your beginnings, you ahve truly risen. Loss, devastation, desertion can seem so endless and hopeless. But from these ashes, the Lord can bring beauty and joy. I wish I had known these lyrics with your daddy and I experienced another loss last year. Had we known the Pure Beauty that would arise from the ruins, we would've cried tears of both grief AND joy.
But very deep beneath all our broken dreams
We have this hope...
Out of these ashes, beauty will rise
And we'll dance among the ruins
We will see with our own eyes
Out of these ashes, beauty will rise
For we know, joy is coming in the morning.
It will take our breath away
To see the beauty that's been made
Out of the ashes, out of the ashes
Out of these ashes, beauty will rise
We have this hope...
Out of these ashes, beauty will rise
And we'll dance among the ruins
We will see with our own eyes
Out of these ashes, beauty will rise
For we know, joy is coming in the morning.
It will take our breath away
To see the beauty that's been made
Out of the ashes, out of the ashes
Out of these ashes, beauty will rise
This very day, a mother could be tearfully placing her baby on a public bench as a sacrifice of love. An orphan might be crying tears of loneliness and despair as he mourns the loss of his family. A couple may be holding onto each other in frustration and deep longing as they confront infertility or miscarriage. I pray that they will one day recognize the beauty that rises from ashes. Anything laid at the feet of God will not go unredeemed. Xiao Baobao (little treasure), we know that firsthand. You are our beauty.
Wo ai ni. (I love you.)
Eternally grateful for your life,
Wo ai ni. (I love you.)
Eternally grateful for your life,
so glad to get an update from you! I was worried! Praying for a great rest of the trip!
Hi Scott and Kelley, Congratulations on your baby daughter -- she's gorgeous! As the grandmother of two children by international adoption, I'm thrilled that your family has been blessed by this wonderful alternative delivery system. In my heart, I know that Grace is blessed to have been placed in your home, but that you and Carter are even more blessed to have her as a daughter and sister. Our prayers are with you for a safe return home. I can't wait to see Grace. Karen
seriously kelley! i cant get over how gorgeous she is. i mean, WOW! and i am so grateful for how well she seems to be adjusting...its all very "meant to be!!!"
Well - tears again. I know I can just count on it everytime I read one of your posts. Your letter to Grace was beautiful and I'm sure will be cherished by her for many many years. Praying that the rest of your trip goes well. I look forward to your posts everyday.
Tears here too... Kelley, You are such an incredible blessing... thank you for sharing this story with us! What an incredible reminder it is of our own adoption in Jesus Christ!! Hugs to you and precious Grace! I could gobble her up!
Lovely post! So glad you all are doing well since the earthquake news. I'm so happy to see that Grace is loving you and Scott and feels secure with you. It's just wonderful!
I'm thankful my co-workers can't see me crying at my desk as I read this (shame on me for reading at work!). What a beautiful letter to sweet Grace, and a perfect reflection of the Lord's love and redemption. We are so thankful that Grace is transitioning well into her forever-family. I so wish we could be there with ya'll to experience this miracle! In the meantime, we'll make do with these precious pictures and count the days until you come home. We love you so much! ~ Aunt CoCo and Uncle Ivan
Tears are flowing so heavily that I can barely see the keyboard to type.What a touching post and such a beautiful letter to Grace. I still can't get over how happy she seems. It's as if she knew you already and has just been biding her time until the two of you arrived. We are all praying for your continued safety and can't wait until you come home.
Love, Mom
This is a beautiful post! It brought tears to my eyes!
She is just beautiful. What a gift!
Ok, I LOVE seeing her in the cupcake outfit! She is too cute! Cece wore that until it was capri length on her - it was her favorite! And seeing Grace with the lotion as a phone reminded me that Cece used to do the same thing - she would turn anything and everything into a phone. Looks like they are going to be two peas in a pod! FYI - the FIRST thing Alex & Tate do in the morning is to check to see if you have posted something new. Tate even memorized your blog address so he could show everyone at school his new cousin. We had the best time with Carter yesterday. Graham was in rare form showing off for him - but he was pretty much attached to Alex's hip - and Alex loved it! (Tate had a baseball game.) Love y'all!
what precious words to your daughter. she may not know how blessed she is right now, but one day she will.
my heart broke picturing the little boy in the corner crying for attention; just to think of how many children worldwide are brought into homes (or lack thereof) devoid of love or affection makes me want to run into noah's room where he's peacefully sleeping and shower him in love.
i will lift that little boy - and all orphans you have come into contact with - in my prayers in the hope that one day, they too will know the love you are giving grace. and even if they are never adopted, i will pray that God will enter to fill the void that humans are not providing those babies.
god bless you guys.
my love,
Truly beautiful - her, you three (4) as a family, the letter, everything, just beautiful!
She and Lexi must become pen pals - or they can use their "phones" to call one another.
The letter is beautiful, Kelley! And, Grace (Pure it!!) gets more beautiful in each picture - it makes my day to see her smiles! Praying for your nights!! love you!
I do not know you, but I came across your blog through a friend, Megan Davis, and I have been following your journey. I am truly amazed at what you two have been through to get this precious baby. I cannot even begin to tell you how beautiful that angel is...a true miracle and I am so happy for your family. I will continue to check daily for updates and pray for the rest of your trip and then as you begin your family of four when you return. Thank you for sharing so many thoughts and experiences along the way, I am forever touched by your story.
Amazing. I love her so much. I look forward to all the new pictures. She is gorgeous inside and out! Can't wait to hear about your time at the minority villages!
Hi Kelly! This is Erin Ashley. I found your blog through Joy's-so excited to see your little Grace! I am so sorry I didn't call you earlier-our kids got sick and still have fever so I knew we wouldn't be able to see you guys. But again, sorry I didn't call. So thrilled for you and this miracle God has given you in Grace. So thrilled we got to meet you while you were here. Praying for you! Erin Ashley
Oh Kelley!
What a praise worthy post! Just when I think the photos cannot get any more precious. OH MY STARS ... Grace is gorgeous!
I am so touched by your commitment to the retracing of steps and circumstances that God used to bring Grace to her forever family. I trust this loving documentation of Grace's story will play a significant part in her future healing from a broken past. Your letter is so loving and I am certain it will be a treasure to Grace in years to come.
Thank you for allowing us to follow along on this most blessed event in your family!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
Kim glad y'all are ok and that you already have Grace safetly in your arms.
Thank you so much for doing this blog. My husband and I are adopting from South Korea, but haven't been allowed to really start much yet. We have to wait until June bc that will be when we've been married for 3 years. It gives me hope that the adoption might actually happen for us! I fear that the Lord won't let me have a baby at all bc they are so precious. I am so happy that you have your baby now!
What a beautiful letter - I'm sure she will cherish that when she is older! I love reading your heart in your words! Loved this update and the new pictures of her... I just can't get over how beautiful she is!!! (Rusty agrees ;)
ps- the image of her stomping her foot at Scott is TOO funny. She is going to be SASSY! I love it! ;)
Hi there! I came across your blog for the first time today, and I have to tell name is Kelley (EY too!) my brother's name is Scott, we're from B'ham (now live in TX) and our daughter's name is Virginia Grace! I just thought all the similarities are funny!
Your daughter is beautiful, we too adopted from China, our daughter Emily, in 2004 from Hunan.
Love your blog & Congratulations!
What an amazing letter! The Lord truly redeems the broken things of the world. Grace is such amazing redemption!!
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