I had pointed out the stingray to Carter by telling him it looked flat like a piece of paper. The stingray swam right up to the glass wall and flipped sideways, lifting up his arms/flippers??? as if he were waving to my curious son. Carter Ate. It. Up. And wanted an encore, of course.
We visited the Mr. Potato Head exhibit (and this pic isn't a great representation of it), and it was awesome. We are now HUGE McWane fans. In fact, we may start going every week. I feel like a kid myself when we're there.
And by the way, here's some fun toy trivia. Did you know that Mr. Potato Head was the first toy advertised on television? The exhibit displays the various models of this classic toy over the decades, and I have to say that many of the early ones were a bit scary. I'll try to take pics of them next week so I can show you. Oh wait...I found a picture online. The original potato heads (in the 1950s) were meant to be used on real potatoes. So the facial accessories were sold on pieces of styrofoam. I think these things would have given me nightmares as a child.

We're big McWane fans too! We actually like to go in the afternoons after naps - it's never busy - all the field trips have gone. Just a tip if you ever have one of those days where you need to get out of the house before daddy gets home :)
Love Carter's quote! We have a similar museum I'm looking forward to taking Lydia too sometime soon. I'm sure the older kids would love to take her and show her all the stuff. :)
We love the McWane Center! It's so great in the winter when you can't get outside. We are going to attempt the IMAX soon. Hope it goes well. And Lawson adores those "pieces of paper" and the sharks. It's his favorite thing to do.
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