I'm giving myself a pat on the back. I have had the kids by myself all weekend while Scott's been at the lake for his twin brother's bachelor party. And I have not only survived, but I also succeeded in creating a fun weekend for my little ones. (If you'd seen them and their major tantrums after Scott left, you'd be patting me on the back too.) I feel like a rockstar mom right now. :)
All of you moms with 3 or more kids... here's your cue to laugh at me.
Yesterday morning, we headed to the McWane Center. It was both kids' first time there, and it was a HUGE hit! Especially the water table.

They also loved the submarine...

and another water table where the blocks stick to the wall...

Carter had a blast climbing in this huge castle...

Grace wanted to get up into it too, but I wasn't sure how to get her down if she got stuck in there. I'll have to wait until we have an older kid with us to help her.
After playing for almost 1 1/2 hours, we ate lunch at our favorite local deli. After their naps, we headed to Barnes and Noble to look at books and play with the train table in the kid section. By the time we got back home, it was dinner time and bedtime.
Just a note, Virginia Grace has fallen asleep without me lying next to her for 3 naps in a row and for bedtime last night!! This is a HUGE step! It will also give me more time since I don't have to spend 30 minutes each nap and evening trying to stay awake while she settles in and drifts off to sleep.

This morning, we got dressed and headed to church. We were even there early!! I dropped Carter off in his classroom, and I took Grace to the nursery room she'll eventually stay in while Scott and I go to the service and community group. She had a great time playing and even let one of the nursery workers change her diaper.

And by the end, she was interacting with the kids. I loved seeing her playing with other toddlers. At one point, there were three of them in this little play pen.

We also met a volunteer in there who was adopted from Korea at 5 months. She is now 25, and she offered to answer any questions I had. I am going to get in touch with her and see if there are any suggestions or advice she has for me.
The kids are now napping, and my hubby is on his way home. Yippee!! And lest I should curse myself for the coming week, let me stop bragging about my motherhood skills and rather boast in the Lord. After all, it was only by His imparted strength, patience, and discernment that I managed to get through this weekend. :)
Bravo to you Kelley! Soon enough you will look back on this post yourself and laugh because you will be such a pro at flying solo. :)
praise the lord! i am so glad you had a good weekend. you're one brave woman.
we've yet to visit the mcwane center. i'm still not sure why we haven't gotten a membership. your kiddos make it look like a lot of fun.
see you in just a few days!
You did great!! And look how much fun y'all had! Actually, adding the second child is much harder than the third, or even fourth. Once you get the hang of more than one the rest just tag along. :)
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