What do you get when you put a couple of 2 1/2 year old boys together and they have some alone time?

An entire container of baby powder emptied on the floor...

Wide-eyed expressions...

A bottle of lotion to "condition" the carpet...

A sound machine covered in a paste of Little Noses saline drops and powder...

And this incredulous look as if to communicate, "Oh, did we do this??"
My dear friend, Stacey, and her family recently moved to Chattanooga. She and her kids (Ben, 2.5 and Katie Beth, 7 weeks) were in town for a couple of days and stayed with us. Last night, I was cooking dinner and watching Grace while Stacey nursed Katie Beth. The boys had been having the best time playing upstairs during the visit, but I suddenly became aware of how silent it was. I knew what might have happened as I walked up the stairs because I could smell the powder. (Which by the way, was hidden in one of the changing table drawer's in Grace's room. The lotion came from Stacey's suitcase.)
After an "Oh no," I couldn't help but laugh. And I ran to get my camera. Stacey and I so wish we could have been flies on the wall just to see the boys' expressions. I can just envision Carter's eyes getting really big as they sprinkled the powder all around. You know they had fun. :)

Virginia Grace and Katie Beth

They had matching outfits. :)

kelley, this made me laugh as my oldest (4) just put "a little bit" of powder on her 1 yr old brother's head. ... his hair was white! :) i was trying to hide my laugh behind my hand as i marched them to the bathroom! fun times!:)
It was waaay too quiet up there! Not the worst mess to clean up though. :) Thanks so much for having us - love to see our boys, and now our girls, together!
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